Page 49 of Shame Me Not
“Anabelle,” I reprimanded. I wasn’t going to listen to her call herself that. It was completely different from when I talked dirty to her. “Don’t ever—”
“See. It’s not easy to hear the other person think or say bad things about themselves. So, stop apologizing for who you are when I like it so much.”
Ana. My Ana. I should never have doubted her strength or ability to tell me no. And I never would again after listening to her read me the riot act, sitting there naked on her knees with cum at the corner of her mouth.
“Hot, damn you are the perfect woman,” I muttered before I attacked her, kissing her, tasting myself on her lips.
“I know,” she said, giggling.
“Shut up and lay back. I’m about to fuck you so hard with my fingers, you’re going to wonder if my whole hand is inside you. And when you realize it’s not, you’re going to beg for it to be.”
Her eyes widened, but also filled with heat. “How much porn do you watch?” she asked, nailing it on the head how I got most of my ideas.
“Enough to make it good.”
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Ana,” Gwen called from across the lunch table. “We’re doing a girls’ night Friday and wanted to know if you wanted to come.”
“Yeah. Definitely,” I agreed without hesitation. Ever since summer, things had been strained between the group of girls I’d become friends with. I had Kevin, but it’d been lonely without having them too. Sometimes there were things that a girl just needed to talk about with another girl, and as much as I could talk to Kevin about everything, it didn’t mean I wanted to.
Summer had been the hardest. Gwen had still hung out with me, but I’d been hesitant to be around Chloe and Jane since they hadn’t wanted to be around me. I tended to not get invitations to group outings.
“God, I need a girls’ night,” Chloe sighed from next to me. “Between college tours and the guy I slept with over break taking up all my time and patience, I need to relax.”
“You’re talking to a guy you slept with two months ago?” Isaac asked incredulously. “That’s impressive for you.”
“He’s like a stage five clinger and good in bed. It’s a difficult combo to deal with.” Chloe shrugged, not seeming too concerned. “Besides, I slept with Josh, and I still talk to him.”
Josh ducked his head, looking real interested in his sandwich. Everyone’s wide eyes turned toward him. Apparently, this was new information.
“Does that mean if I sleep with you, you’ll stop talking to me,” Sean piped in.
The guys laughed and Chloe flipped him off. Everyone was so focused on Sean and Chloe going back and forth, that no one noticed me jump when Kevin’s hand settled on my bare knee under the table. They didn’t notice me almost choke on my yogurt as his hand trailed up the inside of my thigh and push my plaid skirt up with it. The cafeteria had gone fuzzy and the chatter turned to white noise as I anticipated how far he would go.
His pinky reached my panties and dove under the elastic. I thought I was going to crush my water bottle as his digit dragged along the seam of my pussy.
“What are your plans this weekend, Kevin?” Jane asked from next to him. His hand stopped its progress and moved above the table. Damn, Jane. But he made it a point to suck on his finger before responding to her. Tease.
“Just kind of hanging out. We have a game Saturday and then nothing.”
“Maybe we can go to the movies some time,” she suggested and I had to fight back the ‘no’ that was clawing its way out of my throat.
“Yeah, maybe some time,” Kevin answered with a lack of commitment. Jane never seemed to get the hint, but you had to admire the girl’s determination. She saw a deadline, and as it approached, she became fiercer in her moves to get what she wanted.
If only she knew Kevin’s hand had been on my thighs a moment ago. If only she’d known that he’d fucked me in the back seat of his car last night. Or the way he’d made me suck him off on the roof last week.
But no one knew. It wasn’t that we’d meant to keep it a secret, but Kevin and I—as forward as we were when fucking—didn’t do PDA. And since our friendship was so close all these years, there wasn’t anything different to see. We acted the same as before. Just now we knew what each other looked like naked, what we tasted like, felt like. It worked for us, not having prying eyes on our relationship. Then no one looked too closely as to why I had bruises on my wrists or scabs on my knees.