Page 26 of Shame Me Not
“Of what you do with your tiny dick? Nah.” I shrugged.
I wasn’t prepared for the shove and almost fell back on my ass. “Just because you’ve had a hard-on for Ana and never acted on it doesn’t mean you get to come in and get her now.” He growled, coming at me again.
My resentment over all the nights I hadn’t gotten together with Ana; the past couple of months where I’d been haunted by the feel of her skin and the sound of her pleasure came roaring to the surface. Feelings I’d suppressed to keep my friendship with her like it always was rose to the surface, seeking an outlet. “Scared, Hearst? Scared you don’t have what it takes to keep her?”
“Fuck you. You had your chance.” He shoved me again, but I was ready and didn’t stumble that time and shoved him right back. The next thing I knew, we were locked onto each other. “I know how you look at her asshole, but she’s mine,” he choked out despite my arm around his neck. He kicked my shin and knocked me down. I slammed my shoulder into his stomach and shoved him back as he wrapped his arms at my waist from above me. I was waiting for the moment we took it to the ground when more hands reached in and began pulling us apart.
We were both sweating and breathing heavily, scowling at each other as our teammates held us apart. What a fucking mess. Sean jerked out of their hold and snatched up his bag. He began walking backward off the field, his finger pointed at me.
“Stay the fuck away from my girl.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Hey, Babe. Just calling to let you know I landed.”
“I hate that I don’t get to see you,” Sean said. Again.
“I know. Me too. Trust me, this is the last place I want to be. And I’m sorry again that I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“It’s okay. I know it’s hard for you to talk about your dad.”
But he didn’t know. The only reason he knew was because apparently, Kevin had told him. Which was my fault. I just didn’t want to burden Sean with my issues and didn’t know how to mention it and still avoid any questions he would have had. And I’d had Kev to talk to. I could get it off my chest with him and let it all go. In the moment, telling only Kev hadn’t felt like a big deal. Until Sean had called, raging about how he didn’t want me to talk to Kevin anymore.
I’d laughed at such an absurd request, but the silence on the other end of the line had told me I was the only one who found it funny. I’d swallowed in fear at his dead silence. Had he somehow found out about me kissing Kevin? Had Kevin told him? I’d managed to stutter a “why” past my numb lips, and he’d asked me why I hadn’t told him about my dad. His answer had thrown me for such a loop, because that wasn’t the response I expected. By the end of the conversation, I’d been so relieved that he hadn’t found out about our kiss, I never asked again why he didn’t want me talking to Kevin. And how funny that I’d been prepared to explain that night away as a simple kiss.
What a liar I was.
When I saw Kevin later that night, I’d asked him what had happened, but he’d just shrugged it off saying it was a bunch of testosterone out of control. Either way, I’d had to take a few days to soothe Sean and let him know that nothing was going on between me and Kevin and that I wasn’t pulling away from him. I’d also stood very firm on the fact that I wasn’t going to stop talking to Kevin and promised to be more open with him. I’d also promised to call him every day I was gone.
“I miss you,” he crooned through the line.
“Me too. Listen, I should get my bag and find my ride. I’ll call you later?”
“Okay, babe. Have fun.”
Chuckling, I pocketed my phone.
Fun? Yeah, right.
Pulling up to my old home felt strange. I hadn’t been back since we’d moved. The only time I’d seen my dad was when he was traveling to Cincinnati or somewhere nearby that I could go and meet him. Looking up at the large stucco facade, it no longer felt like home. It looked like a prison, and the thought squeezed my chest. The taxi driver unloaded my suitcases and left, having already been paid by my dad.
A tall blonde opened the door as I was rolling my bags up the sidewalk. I looked her up and down, taking in her black slacks and eggshell cashmere sweater, topped off with a strand of pearls and an excited smile. I couldn’t help but feel even more detached from the house as she perched herself in the doorway as if she were queen of the manor.