Page 9 of To Be Claimed
I’m uncomfortable because I feel … I feel … I don’t want to say it. Shame heats every inch of me. I shouldn’t be feeling this at ease with him. I sure as hell shouldn’t be fantasizing about him. Everything about this is just … off. Once again, I question if I’ve been drugged. I can’t look him in the eyes. I try to, but I can’t bring myself to carry through with the movement.
“There’s plenty we need to work on,” I respond, more menacingly than I’d like.
“I have to admit that I love your smart mouth,” he states as he uncrosses his powerful arms and takes my chin in his hand, forcing me to look at him. Instantly, another pulse of desire races through me. His silver eyes mesmerize me. He rubs his thumb across my bottom lip and my body betrays me by sending a hot surge of need to my core. “Although I enjoy your boldness, you aren’t permitted to speak to me like that in front of the pack. Is that understood?”
I nod my head as best I can with his hand still holding my chin. Although my head is clouded and it takes me much longer than it should for me to comprehend what I’ve just agreed to.
“Speak, Grace.” Anger courses through me at the command and I rip my head away from his grasp. I don’t care if I piss him off; I refuse to let him talk to me like that.
Blinking away the haze, I reprimand him by saying, “I’m not a dog!” I raise my voice in anger and stare straight into his heated gaze. He raises his brows in surprise.
“I didn’t think you were.” The light in his eyes dims and he crosses his arms again, stretching the gray Henley he’s wearing until it’s taut, making his delectable, chiseled chest all the more visible. “When I ask you a question, I’d like you to answer me verbally.” I nod my head while I stare at the desk, avoiding his scrutiny once again. I can’t stand looking him in the eyes. It’s as if I lose myself when I do.
After a moment of silence, I glance up at him, but not directly into his gaze. His eyes are narrowed and his lips are pressed firmly against one another, forming a hard line.
“I understand.” I do my best to keep the agitation out of my voice.
“Good. Don’t speak to me like that in front of the pack.” His hard, absolute tone makes me feel insignificant. For some reason it also makes my heart clench in agony.
Still staring at the desk, I respond dully, “I won’t.”
There’s movement in my periphery, but I don’t bother to look at him. I need all of my energy to calm down. Now that we’re in here alone, my emotions are off the damn charts. I’m exhausted and inexplicably … sexually frustrated. I’m angry that he’s talking down to me. I’m upset that I’ve been taken from the life I worked so hard to finally have. I feel like a shit friend for leaving Lizzie and every time I think about her, all I can see is her wounded gaze from the back seat of that car. It’s all hitting me at once and it’s on the verge of being unbearable.
“As far as answering your question, I’ll tell you why you’re here when the time is right. For now, you and Lizzie should focus on getting settled and making yourselves at home.” My eyes fly to his and I part my lips to object. I want to plead with him to let us go, but he stops my appeal before it begins.
“You’re a part of our pack now. There’s no changing that, so you better get used to the idea of staying. The sooner, the better.” I swallow my plea, but my mouth is suddenly dry. A hard lump forms in my throat, choking me. We’re stuck here. They’re keeping us. The tears prick again and this time I don’t have the strength or energy to stop them.
I’m given a moment of reprieve when his cell phone vibrates on the desk. He doesn’t speak as he answers, just holds the phone to his ear. I can’t make out what the person on the other end is saying, but judging by the scowl on Devin’s face, he’s not exactly thrilled about the news.
“I’m sure it was a real fucking emergency.” His anger lights a new sensation that flows down my arms, traveling lower until my nails dig into the leather of the chair. “I want to know as soon as his ass gets back. What about the paperwork?” He listens for a moment longer and then ends the call without another word.
Questions race through my mind.
He sets the phone on the desk and his silver eyes roam down my body before settling on my gaze again. His expression implies that he’s contemplating what he should do with me. Which brings me back to my question. Why did he take us?
“What do you want from us?” I search his hard eyes for compassion or sympathy, but he’s emotionless.
His jaw clenches. “I told you I’ll tell you when the time is right.” My eyes fall at his response. “Just know that you will be taken care of. You’ll be safe and the pack wants nothing more than for you and Lizzie to be happy here with us.” His voice softens some at the end. “It’s Lizzie, right?”
I ignore his question and opt for a desperate plea over a response. “If you want us to be happy, let us go home,” I beg softly to the wooden floor, unable to look him in the eye as my strength fails me.
“Enough.” His hardened tone paralyzes me. “You aren’t going anywhere. Get used to the idea of staying.”
“I want you to come to me.” I’m forced to peer into his gaze as he makes the declaration. It’s hypnotizing, being caught in his heated stare. My entire body blazes.
It’s too hot in here to even think.
“Come here,” he commands and again his strong fingers grip my chin, traveling lower down, to my throat. I can’t move. Not an inch.
My body trembles and I close my eyes, failing to gather my composure. I meet him halfway, ever so slowly, obeying.
I stiffen as his strong, muscular arms wrap around me, picking me up and pulling me into his hard chest. With only a gasp of protest, he lifts me as though I weigh nothing and settles me in his lap as he leans back in his chair. My breathing picks up and my entire body goes on high alert.
My head is roughly level with his chest, so Devin speaks while peering down at me. My heart thumps loudly at feeling my chest pressed tight against his. My eyes stare straight ahead at the pictures on the wall in his office. The black and white images of wooded lands are actually quite beautiful and they center me slightly. Anything to keep my mind off of him. There’s something about him that’s like a drug. Like heroin sinking into my veins and luring all of my senses into some depth of perversion I’ve never felt before.
“I’ll ask you again. Please be reasonable and answer my question, Grace. What do you know about werewolves?” With a rumble in his chest, my bottom lip quivers ever so slightly. Short breaths are all I can manage.