Page 45 of To Be Claimed
“That would be paramount.”
“Is this the way of it now, donations from humans?”
“Perhaps. But the few that have been running have had disturbing results,” Alec confides in Devin and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
“How’s that?”
“Several vampires have gone missing.”
“Surely humans aren’t abducting vampires?” Natalia and Remy pause their conversation in the other room as Natalia’s wicked eyes drift to Devin and Alec.
“It’s not certain what is occurring.”
“I see.”
“I just hope that if I need to call on you, you’ll be at the ready.”
“As always, Alec.” The two men brace their hands on each other’s shoulders. “Next time it would be beneficial for you to come alone.” Devin stares at Natalia as he says the last word, startling her. I stifle my grin. Alec chuckles and signals for the two vile beings to leave with him.
It’s not until the front door closes that Devin meets me at the threshold of the kitchen.
“Good riddance.” I don’t hide my disgust for that bitch who called my sweet mate broken.
“Agreed. But he had to bring backup in case we had …” Devin trails off as his eyes find Grace. Clearing his throat, he murmurs so his mate can’t hear, “We’ll take care of the issue in the shed in just a moment.” I remain at my spot on the wall as I watch my Alpha take his mate in his arms. She noticeably relaxes in his embrace the very second he touches her. One day. One day soon, I will have that with my mate.
“Dom. You’re with me. We have a shifter to question.” His tone and the serious expression on every pack member’s face keeps the words buried at the back of my throat. I have a million questions and there never seems to be time for Devin to answer them.
His hand lets mine fall and I lace my fingers in front of me, choosing to be silent and wait.
I watch Devin and Dom walk out of the kitchen. His broad shoulders and corded muscles ripple as he stretches out his back and cracks his knuckles.
I have no idea who the hell they’re going to “question” but I’m certain they’ll be getting whatever information they want out of him. There’s a thick tension that can’t be denied in the room. Dom’s almost as tall as Devin. The sight of the two of them is intimidating. Just watching Devin move with the skill of a predator sends a chill down my spine. But knowing what’s underneath that white T-shirt has butterflies fluttering deep and low in longing. I stifle my moan. I am, without a doubt, still in heat.
I hope he isn’t long. I notice Lev and Jude smirk at each other before Lev opens his mouth.
“You’re drooling a little there.” His response makes me huff and with Devin and Dom gone, I’m given a bit of relief. The first bit of it I’ve felt all day actually.
It’s one thing after another, and at that thought, I remember the vampire.
“I’m just a bitch in heat, remember?” I can’t help the insecurity from slipping out. In an instant, the two shifters tense.
“She’s a bitch and she wishes she could go into heat.” I smile a little at Jude’s flat remark. Patting his hand in thanks as I get up from the kitchen table, I go to search the cabinets. Lizzie’s going to need coffee. She’s a pain in the ass when she goes through caffeine withdrawal and given everything that’s happening, her coffee fix is the last thing on her mind and her mates won’t know what hit them. I wish Caleb hadn’t taken her the second the interview was over.
I need my friend. I need to know she’s truly okay and that everything will be all right. My throat gets tight, but I simply swallow and busy myself.
“Where’s the coffeepot?” I ask as I stand on my tiptoes looking into the upper cabinets searching for some kind of coffee maker.
“We don’t have one.” I accidently slam the door shut in shock at Jude’s words.
“How do you not have a coffee maker?” Seriously? They have granite counters and top-of-the-line appliances, but no coffee maker?
“Easy,” Lev says, shrugging his shoulders, “we don’t drink it.”
“Well, that’s not going to work. Then you’ll really see me be a bitch and Liz will top that. I can guarantee you that.” Opening the fridge, I grab the orange juice, but then my nose scrunches and I put the bottle back when I remember Lev drank from it. We’re going to have to set up boundaries. I tap my foot while looking through the fridge. Maybe I’ll write my name on my groceries. I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that this is my home. My new home. A mix of emotions comes over me and it’s hard to keep my composure.
“I need to buy some things I think …” Instantly, I’m reminded of something I’ve lost.