Page 54 of Freeing Their Heart
“I knew it.” I’m out of breath from the climb, but I made it to the roof level. Only a fire door separates me from enemy number one. I take a minute to load a fresh magazine and catch my breath before opening my comm. “Where on the roof, over?”
“South edge,” X-Ray says. “Facing the Mississippi. If I swing around, I can give Target a good shot.”
“He’s mine,” I say darkly. I’m about to burst through the fire door when Target curses in my ear.
“Fuck. We’ve got incoming. A shit-ton of birds are swarming this way. We’re going to have to climb to avoid them.”
“That’s Raptor’s M.O.,” I say. “Now weknowit’s him on the roof. I’m going in.”
“Watch those birds,” Target says.
“Roger that.” I’m covered from head to toe in tactical gear. I’ve got a helmet and visor on. Raptor can swarm me with birds, but they won’t be able to slice and dice me with their sharp parts.
I puff up my lungs and release a quick breath to hitch my adrenaline higher. Weapon ready, I shoulder through the door.
Chapter 17
Ten minutes ago,chaos erupted. An explosion we didn’t plan just about knocked us off our feet. Scrap is injured. The search party hasn’t found Jud yet. We’ve got four targets unaccounted for inside the casino—plus one woman. And a hundred unknowns somewhere underground will have to be dealt with.Thanks be to the good Lord or Rev’s Working or whoever is over and above all this that those people are staying put, for now.The last thing my full dance-card needs is more belles at the ball.
Through it all, my Gift keeps me grounded. From just outside the casino’s main entrance, I command my men and our new teammates, and we work like a well-oiled machine.
I’m crouched behind a concrete planter the size of a Volkswagen Beetle as I speak into my mic. “You sure he’s okay?” I ask Doc, who just told me that thanks to his Gift, Scrap’s good as new.
“Yessir. His clothes are smokin’, but he’s good to go.” Doc’s breathing heavy. From the pounding of boots, I can tell he’s running. “We’re headed your way now. Me, Scrap, Shep, and Brawn.”
I don’t have the luxury of indulging my surprise at how fast Doc’s Gift healed a man who got blown up. Maybe later, I’ll marvel at all the miracles we’re witnessing tonight. But right now, there’s work to be done.
“Good. Need you boys to cover all the casino exits in case any of these bastards make it outside. Steel, Recon, let’s go in and get these A-holes.”
Every man acknowledges his job, and I know I can trust each one like a brother. “Remember there’s a woman in the mix,” I add.
“Like any of us could forget a thing like that,” Doc says. “All right. We’ve got the casino in sight. You’re good to go, Sarge.”
“Roger that. Going in, going silent. Over.”
With one hand, I remove my earpiece so I have full use of my hearing. It takes two ears working together to localize the enemy, and being able to do it quickly can mean the difference between life and death. Weapon at the ready, I shoulder through the front entrance and advance onto the casino floor, where those four men were last seen.
My dance partners, Steel and Recon, emerge onto the floor from the rear. The wide-open space between us is empty, save for a few card tables. At my signal, Steel breaks left to flank the floor. Recon goes right.
Those sonsofbitches with the woman have to still be inside this building, since no one saw them come out. It’s possible they slipped on over to the hotel, but one thing’s for sure. If they’re smart, they’ll be on the main floor. Going up cuts them off from the exits.
Time to flush them out.
I stop to listen, and my men do the same. There. I hear rustling to my right, somewhere off the gaming floor. Sounds like at least two pairs of feet, moving away fast.
Recon stiffens and cocks his head that way. He heard it too.
With a hand signal, I send Steel left, to clear the storeroom behind the bar area, and any other rooms beyond the casino floor. Meanwhile, Recon and I go right, where the bulk of the casino lies and where we heard that sound. Off the gambling floor are storefronts and restaurants for mingling, spaces for viewing sporting events on big-screen TVs, and a smaller gaming room for high rollers. At least, that’s what these spaces would have been used for at one time.Now, they’re depressing, dirty hovels dotted with trash and mattresses and, Lord help me, are those chains and handcuffs attached to the wall?
Keeping an ear on the sound of scuffling feet, I creep up on the target. When I round the bend into a long hallway between the casino and hotel, I see a door easing shut at the far end.
“Got him,” I say to no one. I’m not on comms, but I know Recon’s close. He’s tracking the same sonofabitch I am.
I’m half-way to the door, hurrying to catch up to the target when Recon slides into the corridor from a perpendicular passage. I motion toward the door, and we move as one, weapons at the ready.
I keep my earpiece out, but, using hand signals, I tell Recon to radio Steel. He says a few words into his mic, and soon he gives me a thumbs-up. From his solemn nod, I know Steel intercepted a target and took care of him. One less enemy to worry about.