Page 71 of Double Pucked
I pad out of the bedroom, tug on a sweatshirt and slides, and leash up my guy.
Fifteen minutes later, I’m back and brushing my teeth.
Well, you never know.
I check the time on my phone, and I don’t have to be at work for two more hours, so I plop Nacho in his brand-new bed, giving him a stuffed monkey to get busy with.
I return to the…sex chamber. I could use a little more cuddling time. And maybe I could use a little chance to share my fresh morning breath with my two favorite men.
But when I walk into Chase’s room, I stop in my tracks. Huh. The bed is empty.
I guess I’ll…
There’s a hand on my back, gliding up my shirt.
Then, lips come down on the side of my neck, and I feel the brush of a beard.
I shiver.
“Come back to bed,” Ryker says, in a sexy morning rumble that comes with minty breath.
“We want you to think about us all day today at work,” Chase whispers in my other ear.
And hello fresh breath too. Now, I’m doubly turned on.
“If you insist,” I say.
“We really fucking do,” Ryker says.
“Besides,” Chase adds, curving a hand over my butt, “if you want us both at the same time, you need to do four first.”
I shiver but tense at the same time. Four is like the butt stuff starter pack. Iwantthem both fucking me at the same time—that’s lucky number six—but I’ve never so much as taken a finger where the sun doesn’t shine, so I figured we better practice.
Hence, four. Butt play.
And some fingers and toys seem necessary since their roosters are announcing their intentions to break me in half. Both men are crowding me in the doorway, boxers still on but rock-hard erections pressed against me.
Ryker grabs my hair, tugs a handful to the side, and kisses my neck hard, all while rubbing that big cock against my hip.
Chase roams a hand over my breast, the other hand curving over my ass, his dick saying a demanding hello to my hip too.
I’m snug between them. Exactly where I want to be.
I sigh into their twin touches, this new kind ofeverywhereforeplay I’ve become addicted to in a few short days. I had no idea I’d like being flooded with pleasure so much. Crowded this intensely. On each side, they kiss my face, my ears, my jawline. Then, Chase grabs my chin and yanks me toward him, giving me a view of his attire.
Hello, tie.
How did I miss this? He’s wearing that tie from last night, with only his boxer briefs.
I jerk my gaze to Ryker. He’s dressed the same—boxer briefs and his tie. And I’m ten times more turned on. I tug on his neckwear, then Chase’s. I might even purr.
“How about we do four and five?” Chase says.
I didn’t see that combo coming but I gasp out a very enthusiastic yes. After all, five is all about trust.