Page 55 of Double Pucked
He hasn’t even seen my note yet, but he’s clearly eager for number four. Me too, since the only way I’ll be able to climb the double dick mountain is with a little booty action beforehand. Hence, number four—butt play.
“You should then.Soon,” I say, encouraging him.
“The things we’ll do to you next time,” he says, and I love thatwe. Love that he talks dirty to me abouttheirplans for me as he plays with my clit while smacking my ass, then pinching my nipples till I’m melting and breaking apart before work.
I’m still gasping for air when he brushes a tender kiss to my lips. “Love your ground rules. Make sure to take care of my buddy sometime too,” he says.
“You looking out for your friend’s dick?”
“I’m thoughtful like that.”
You know, he really is. And since he mentions Ryker, that reminds me. “There’s something you can help me with for Ryker.”
“Name it,” Chase says.
I tell him what I need. “Can you send it sometime today?”
“I’m on it,” he says, then I kiss him back, a buzzy, druggy kiss that’s dangerous. It could lead to skipping work and lazing away the day. So I break it. I’m not such a hot mess that I’d miss work.
I am, however, a hot mess in other ways, so before I head to the store, I brush my teeth and change my panties.
* * *
That afternoon, I’m leaving the bookstore when Chase sends me a picture of Nacho sitting on a chair staring longingly at a latte—presumably—next to a guy who looks a lot like Chase.
Chase: Took Nacho out for coffee with my little brother this morning. Travis tried to use your dog as a lady magnet, but I said nope. Travis has to learn to be charming on his own.
Trina: Such a good big brother. Teaching him important life lessons.
Chase: You’ll be pleased to know Nacho didn’t try to hump Travis’s leg. So…maybe that’s progress for him?
Trina: Or perhaps your brother doesn’t have a humpable leg.
Chase: Fair point. My calf might just be very fuckable. But I’m concerned your dog might be trying to recruit a third guy into our night-time crew, Trina. He was pretty excited when the UPS driver showed up to drop off a delivery of protein powder right after you left.
Trina: Please say he didn’t try to make little leg babies with the delivery guy?
Chase: He’s easing him in with tongue first. He licked his leg rather than mated with it.
Trina: So…we keep proving the fuckable-ness of most legs.
Chase: You and your fancy words.
As I turn onto California Street, heading to my temporary quarters, my phone pings again. This time, though, it’s Ryker. Well, this is like the double jackpot text day. I open it, but there’s no message. Just a link to a Scrabble game. Bring it on. I hit accept. A minute later, he’s made the first move.
Trina: Show off.
Ryker: That implies I only played that word to peacock in front of you.
Trina: You did.
Ryker: I play to win.
Trina: Well, Mister Competitive I’ve got…
I play the word…moxie.