Page 22 of Double Pucked
That answered my next question—what should I do about this…ache? This out-of-nowhere desire to slide one hand through Chase’s hair, and run the other along Ryker’s bristly jaw? This wish to be sandwiched between them?
Maybe Ihaveread too many books. There’s no way a night like I’m fantasizing about could happen in real life.
But then I rewind to the moment when I turned the corner and heard Chase say he knew Ryker was into me, and then when Chase admitted the same to Ryker.
Yes, I’ve heard enough to do this.
Maybe nights like that do happen if you take a chance. Maybe nights like that happen to impulsive people. To women who adopt three-legged dogs, apply for jobs at bookstores when their only prior experience is running an online book club, and who steal ex’s VIP tickets.
I never thought I’d want two guys to throw me on a bed. But now I can’t get these wild ideas out of my mind.
Do it.
My throat is dry with nerves so I motion that I want to sit down. Chase pops up, and I slide into the booth next to Ryker once more. I take a quick sip of my water. Chase returns in seconds, and once I’m there between them, the air is charged. The energy is crackling.You’re the impulsive one.“So about my idea,” I say, my heart beating so fast.
Chase swallows visibly.
Ryker breathes out hard. “What’s your idea?” he rasps, sex in his voice.
You held up a sign at the game. Hold up your own damn sign. Fly your flag, girl.
Deep breath. “I do think you should be my orgasm matchmakers,” I blurt out, somehow getting that out without dying of embarrassment.
“Elaborate,” Ryker says, surprising me by speaking first. There’s fire in his eyes though. Perhaps that’s stoking him.
Me too.
I look to the golden-haired guy, then the bearded one, emboldened by my twin desires for them. “What if…the two of you showed me what it’s like to have an everything bagel instead of a plain one?”
Then, so there isn’t any confusion, I set my right hand on Ryker’s big thigh, then my left hand on Chase’s.
Ryker inhales a sharp breath. Chase lets out a low moan.
Then I add, “Both of you.”
There’s silence for several long seconds. A heady, buzzy silence. Chase covers my hand with his. That has to be a good sign. But he doesn’t squeeze my fingers, or thread them together. Instead, he turns his face to me, his eyes serious. “The thing is…Samuels and I made a deal that we won’t let a woman come between us,” he says.
Oh shit. Oh no.
What was I thinking, putting myself out there like this?Real bright, Trina. Go to a sports game for the first time and proposition two athletes.They probably get kinky sex offers like this all the time.
“And we’re sticking to it,” Ryker says, sealing my fate as a complete and utter idiot. Has anyone ever misread a situation worse than I did?
They think I’m a puck bunny. Iama puck bunny.
Like I’ve been burned, I rip my hands off them, feeling stupider than I did when Jasper made up the world’s worst lies about his infidelity. Because this moment is all my fault. I could have prevented this awful feeling by, oh gee, I don’t know, not asking a completely ridiculous question of two guys who are literally required to entertain me tonight as part of a press event.
They didn’t take me out by choice.
They had to.
I botched this big time. I need to apologize. Then, ideally, grow wings and fly far, far away and snuggle with my dog on the couch and never people again.
I lower my gaze, clutch my phone, grab my purse, and get ready to make a quick escape.
“No big deal,” I say, forcing out a laugh as I’m staring at my hands, and I get the strange sensation they’re mouthing something to each other over my head. Guy code, or whatever. Still, I need to go. “I was just having fun. Sorry I said it. It’s nothing. Didn’t even mean it.”
Ryker cuts in. “Whoa.”