Page 15 of Double Pucked
And Ryker’s not quite the jerk I’d thought he was three hours ago. Or twenty minutes ago in the limo either.
My reassessment is partly because I’ve just learned he’s got a soft spot under that gruff exterior. A desire to make things right.
And so does Chase.
But partly because I think I’ve seen Ryker before. I’m not positive, but if memory serves, a certain burly, bearded, inked guy likes to buy stacks and stacks of game books and crossword puzzles every few weeks at An Open Book.
When I mentioned my store, I swear he perked up. That led me to cycle back through the memory banks of where I’d seen him before, and yup. Figured it out quickly. He’s a loyal customer.
But then he shut down the book talk, so maybe his book buying fetish is a secret.
It’s safe with me.
Once we reach the doors of Sticks and Stones, he turns to me, stopping before we go inside and guiding me to the left so we’re chatting just outside the closed coffee shop next door.
“Here’s the deal. Chase and I just talked about it, and you’ve got an endless supply of revenge selfies at your service tonight. Even a revenge video if you want to shoot us playing pool or whatever. Anything to make that good-for-nothing shitcake suffer.”
“Aww, you really feel bad for forgetting my name earlier,” I say, patting his arm through his white dress shirt.
Oops. Rookie mistake. That rock of a muscle feels real nice.
“I didn’t forget it,” he grumbles, but he doesn’t elaborate, and I decide to let it go since, seriously. These guys are going above and beyond in thegetting evendepartment.
“Thank you, Ryker,” I say genuinely, meeting his dark blue gaze. “I appreciate your zeal for payback.”
“I’m not an Avenger for nothing,” he says.
I look to Chase on the other side of me. “And thank you. It’s more than I could have asked for.”
“Happy to do it,” he says. “I’m just glad we’re spending the evening with you instead of him.”
The funny thing is…so am I. I’m having a better time than I’d imagined, and I’m about to head inside when Ryker clears his throat. “But that’s not all. Chase had an idea for what to do with the gifts you got for him. The jerseys and pucks.”
Well, bring it on boys.“My ears are wide open,” I say, turning to the golden guy.
“Why don’t I get the Sea Dogs jersey signed by the whole team and Ryker will get the Avengers one signed by his team. Then we can set up an auction and donate the proceeds to a cause you like? Like rescue dogs or something?” Chase suggests, and I’m launching myself at him before he can finish.
“Revenge for charity! I love it!”
He wraps his arms around me, one that has mealmostdrawing another yummy inhale of him. But I don’t want to overstep and go all pervy on him, so I keep the hug nice and chaste, then give Ryker one too. “You’re not such a big bad wolf after all,” I say.
He grumbles something I can’t understand before I let go.
Don’t want to push the grumpster, so I go inside.
We head to the counter, and I stare up at the list of games on a chalkboard. Shuffleboard, Ping-Pong, pool, darts and cornhole. Chase steps closer, bumping his shoulder to mine. I don’t know if that was on purpose, but I like the feel of him so close to me. “So, what’ll it be, Miss Book Babe?”
I blink, surprised. “Did you just give me a pet name?”
Chase’s grin is all kinds of cocky. “You gave us nicknames. Only fair. And it seems fitting,” he says.
“Was Miss Bookalicious taken, Weston?” Ryker asks his friend dryly.
Before they can get into a bidding war over it, I cut in with, “What if I want to pick my own nickname?”
Ryker shakes his head. “Nope. Rules of nicknames. You picked ours. We get to pick yours.”
“But you can’t agree on one for me!”