Page 93 of Sacrilege
“I like the sound of that,” I tell him truthfully as we walk out of the room Arturo had me held in.
“Baby, I need you to unwrap yourself from me so we can get out of here.” I whimper and tighten my arms around him.
“No. Please. I…” He kisses down my neck and nibbles on my skin.
“I’m going to be with you the entire time, but there are people out here that won’t understand why I am carrying you like this.”
“Oh, that… that makes sense. I’m sorry. It seems I keep forgetting you’re a priest. I didn’t mean to break my promise.” Fretting, I unlock myself from around him and let my feet touch the floor. Of course, he has me. He’s a servant of the Lord and he cares for everyone. Trying not to be upset about this, I look down, counting to twenty.
“Hey, none of that. Look at me, little one.” Instantly, my head pops up at his demand.
“Things will be clearer when we get to headquarters. I promise, little one.” With that, he grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. “You trust me, yes?”
“Always,” I whisper and walk out the door with him.
Walking into the CIA headquarters, my nerves are shot. Germaine drops me off in a room and I hear the door’s lock click into place. He didn’t say anything else to me and I’m fidgeting, wondering how long I will be here.
Pacing back and forth, I wonder what’s going on and why we are here. The fallout with Arturo shouldn’t be a CIA case, should it? Trembling, my body sinks to the chair and my mind tries to wrap itself around my current situation. It’s not working. Germaine promised he wouldn’t let me out of his sight. Why isn’t he here?
I’m not sure how long I’m in the room before the door opens. “Ger—” I falter when I see it isn’t Germaine. This man glares at me, accusing me of something. I’m not sure of.
“Ms. Luciano, I’m Senior Agent Carlson. As you are aware, you are here to answer questions about your father and fiancé.”
Flinching, I look at him. “I don’t know anything about them. Where’s Father Zimmerman?” My voice comes out wobbly and vulnerable. It worries me that he isn’t back yet.
“You mean Agent Zimmerman, ma’am. He’s not available, nor should you concern yourself with him.”
“Agent?” Confusion mingled with betrayal washes over me. What is going on?
“Yes, now please focus. Your father, what is his endgame with Gomez?”
“Endgame?” I’m sure he thinks I’m a parrot, repeating everything he is saying but I don’t have a clue what is going on.
The man is talking, but I don’t hear him. No, everything is blacked out, as I’m stuck on Germaine, not being a priest. What… What is going on here? Did he get close to me to take down my father?
“Ms. Luciano, are you going to answer the question?” Agent Carlson’s tone is exasperated, and I know he wants answers, but I don’t remember what he asked me.
“What question?” I force my eyes toward him so I can hear what he says. My mind is lost and muddled at the moment, but I’m trying to be cooperative.
He rolls his eyes at me and shakes his head. “What is the endgame of Luciano and Gomez?”
“I don’t know. My father doesn’t include me in his life. This is the first time I’ve been home in fourteen years.” That’s the truth. I have no clue what my father does.
“Why is there a ten-million-dollar transfer to an offshore account with your name on it?”
“There is?” My eyes pop wide. “I don’t know anything about that. When I was fourteen, there was a credit card sent to the boarding school for me to use. What bank account?”
The door opens and Germaine steps through. “That’s enough Carlson. She isn’t involved in the crimes committed by her father or Gomez, and I told you I would debrief her.”
Germaine hasn’t looked at me once, and my heart crumbles. Carlson shuts his folder that’s on the table and stands up. “She’s my witness to go through the paces.”
“No, she’s not. She’s the victim, and the first damn thing you should have done was question her about needing a rape kit!” Germaine yells at Carlson and I flinch again. Why won’t he look at me?
Leaving Jacqulin alone in the interrogation room wasn’t my first choice, and it was the hardest damn thing I had to do. But, when your boss demands to see you immediately, what the hell choice do you have?