Page 332 of Sacrilege
The day I came here, I was instantly astonished by her beauty. I was speechless for several seconds during my first confession because her beautiful face spellbound me to her.
And deep down, I have this urge to be with her…to make her mine. I don’t care if I am fifteen years older than her or the fact she is a nun who keeps her distance from men. All I know is that my mind and soul yearn for her.
My racing heart thuds harder against my chest as I gulp, feeling breathless. Opting to lie down, I shut my eyes to get some sleep. However, this time the nightmares escape and are replaced by visions of Aella, where I imagine her naked and writhing under my touch.
All of the prisoners stand in a line outside the bathroom as usual. Some scratched their heads, and some smelled like rotten rats for not being given the privilege to shower for weeks. When prisoners protest or cause a disturbance, they are punished severely by being kept in isolation in the underground cellar. Most of the time, the prisoners are quiet and still, like lifeless beings. Some act like lunatics all of a sudden, loosing sense of their actions. But few hours later they act normal as if nothing happened.
I have heard of Blackwell Prison several times amongst my acquaintances but never gave much thought to it. Who knew I would end up here with life sentence?
The prison is in the remote areas of Vailburg that few people visit. Myths about mysterious murders and people going missing from here have been heard. Vast and distant mountains surround us, with the weather always cold and gloomy most of the time. It's as if the place was never offered an ounce of natural sunlight. Most of the mountains or fields are barren with dead grass and crops.
However, the building is the only enormous architecture here. It is a circular, glass-roofed structure with three floors and a watch tower within the building. Every floor has five to six prisoners, with guards stationed on every floor. But at night, the watchtower is the only security that keeps constant surveillance over us.
Prisoners are treated like scum of the earth here. The guards constantly beat prisoners for minor infractions and food is scarce. The guards also mentally abuse prisoners, taunting them of the crimes they committed and how their souls will rot in hell. A constant reminder of their meaningless lives here. Everything about this place is questionable and disturbing but I don’t let it bother me. After all, I have to spend the rest of my life here for the sins I’ve committed.
“Did you hear that guy from last night was dragged out of his cell this morning,” I hear one of the prisoners whispering behind me.
“I heard him screaming before that nun came in, but I don’t know what happened,” another responds.
“Me either, and this can only mean one thing.”
He is dead. From the rumors I have heard, no one leaves this place alive. You either get killed by the guards or spend the rest of your life here.
“But I wish the nun came into my cell. If she did, I could have a go on that beautiful ass,” he joked and lightly chuckled. My blood boils from his crude comment, especially when his friend joins in.
“I would have tagged teamed with you. It’s been months since I’ve had a good fuck. I bet she is a virgin. I could only imagine how tight her pussy would feel.”
I clench my fists together, closing my eyes as I try to zone them out before I do something disastrous.
“How about we bribe the guards at night and get into her room? It’s worth a try if I get to fuck all her holes-”
The fucker doesn’t get to finish his sentence as I turn around with a thunderous look, and without thinking, I punch him across his face.
With a grunt, he falls instantly on the floor and tries to get up. “What the fuck!”
His friend pushes me against my chest. “What the fuck is your problem, asshole?”
Holding the guy’s head, I slam it against the wall, and he immediately falls unconscious. I straddle the other guy and grab him by his collar. I land hit after hit until his blood covers my knuckles. A crowd forms around me as they cheer for me like this is entertainment for them.
But my rage triggers me to punch harder as the thought of this fucker daring to touch Aella makes me want to kill him.
“Silas! Stop it! Stop!” Her soothing voice pulls me out of this dark void as I look up and meet her terrified eyes.
The guards come in as well as they try to clear out the crowd, and soon, I'm getting beaten constantly with their wooden batons.
“No, stop it! Don’t hurt him!” Aella pleads with them, but it doesn’t stop them. I grunt from pain and fall onto my back, feeling the excruciating hits on my back, sides, and head. I can feel the blood running down my face and bruises forming.
“That is enough! Stop this!” She continues begging for me. Her voice's sadness and worry are evident and it makes my heart ache.
A blow to the head from one of the guard’s baton hurts m head badly as weakness takes over my body. And soon, my mind accepts the darkness.
Twisting the wet cloth into the small pot, I bring it to Silas’s temple, wiping away the excess blood from the beating. He remains still as I clean his wounds and apply myrrh extract to help him heal.
When I’m done, I lean back and avoid looking at him. But something within me urges me to admire his forbidden beauty.