Page 318 of Sacrilege
Actually, I’d forgotten pretty much everything, even my freaking name.
“Good job, man,” Matthew chides. “But that wasn’t exactly a priestly thing to do,” he laughs.
Thomas helps me back into my jeans. “Maybe not, but it sure as shit was holy.”
“Hey. I know you.”
Lost in thought, I look up into the face—the very close face, so close I can see the spots he missed shaving—of a guy I’ve never met.
I don’t like his shit-eating grin. I’ve seen this kind of smile before. Not on this particular guy, but on the face of any dude who thinks his shit doesn’t stink, and that if he deigns to talk to you, you should consider yourself lucky.
“Sorry, I’m in a hurry,” I say, stepping around him on one of the sidewalks that crisscross the center of campus.
But as soon as I do, he steps right in front of me. We are blocking the flow of pedestrians, who maneuver around us like we’re rocks interrupting the flow of a rushing stream.
I look up at him and into his blank eyes. He either didn’t hear me, or didn’t like what I had to say and decided to ignore it. “I’m sorry, but we haven’t met. And I need to get to class.”
He continues to block my way, and in fact reaches out and puts a hand on my elbow.
I try to shake him off. “I need to get to class.”
He drops his head back and rolls his eyes like he can’t believe he’s getting the brush off. “Look, I think you’re really pretty and I want to talk to you. Is that so wrong?” he asks, tilting his head and looking at me even closer, like he’s so charming he knows he can change my mind.
Didn’t think there were guys like this here, at this school, but I guess jerks are everywhere.
I tap my fingers against my thigh and raise my voice. “I told you I was on my way to class. Now let me go.”
This attracts the attention of a few passersby, and one girl even slows, but the guy glowers at her, and she scurries off.
Tightening his hold on my arm, he steers me off the sidewalk. I am about to yell in protest, when a hand takes my other arm and yanks me out of his grip.
John appears and steps in front of me, putting himself between the guy and me. “Did you not hear what she just said?”
The guy smirks. “Dude, mind your own fucking business. I’m talking to the lady here.”
I step around John and poke the guy in the chest. “I told you I was going to class. But you decided you didn’t want to listen.”
He sighs, then throws his arms up. “Fine. Whatever. But you know, you’re nothing special. You should be happy a guy like me wanted to talk to you.”
He did not just say that.
I get in his face, no longer afraid with John at my side. “You’re the one who’s nothing special, you limp dick motherfucker.”
With that, I grab a fistful of the hair on the back of his head and yank him off balance as hard as I can, kicking him in the shin with the toe of my boot.
“Jesus Christ,” he hollers. “You bitch!”
Okay, that attracted a lot of attention.
John reaches for my hand. “C’mon. Let’s get out of here before this escalates.”
Guess when you’re bound for God School, it’s best not to get into fights. So we bolt, but not before I see we’ve attracted the attention of a small crowd.
John waves them off. “Nothing to see here, folks.”
“Except an asshole,” I add, causing raised eyebrows.