Page 3 of Sacrilege
I’ve had grown ass men begging for their life and it didn’t sway me in the slightest. That little sullen look may work on some of the old fucks out there in the club, but it isn’t going to make a shit of a difference for me.
“Thanks, Diamond, but I’ve got to go.” I push her off my lap and point to Riggs. “But that guy has a bigger dick and a bigger wallet.”
I’m lying on both accounts, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Her mouth curves into a hungry smile and she wastes no time running to his side and putting her face in his lap, replacing his hand with her mouth.
Time for sweet pea to get the fuck out of here.
I push myself to my feet, roll my neck from side to side, and thread my fingers together, cracking my knuckles one by one before giving the guys a nod and making my exit.
The atmosphere out here is much different from the private rooms. It’s a little darker, a lot louder, and you can practically feel the money dripping off these guys. It’s a Saturday night and the floor of the club is packed full of men in custom tailored suits and a few of their more adventurous wives—or mistresses.
We couldn’t be less alike.
The only thing dripping off me is blood. Innocent. Guilty. Doesn’t always make a difference when you get the wrong kind of attention from the right people.
I know who and what I am.
I’m the guy from the wrong side of the tracks. The kind of kid that was raised by my grandmother in a two-bedroom apartment with my two younger siblings. I grew up in hand-me-downs and there were nights I went to bed hungry, but it made me stronger, tougher, not afraid to back down from anyone.
It’s what makes me valuable to men like Phoenix.
I take the stairs two at a time, but my journey to see the boss is cut short. Some douche bag is caging in this petite woman dressed as a junior nun and is blocking the entire staircase. Can’t he flirt with the stripper in some dark corner on the main floor?
“How about you and me go somewhere a little more private? I need a little taste of the holy spirit tonight.”
I sigh, loudly, making sure this asshole knows he’s blocking me, but his gaze never swings my way.
This night is the worst. I’ve got a broken dick and this jerkoff with no common sense is pissing me off.
“Come on, baby, I’ll show you how a good girl prays.”
I’m all set to push this unoriginal fuck down the stairs when the stripper opens her mouth and freezes me in my tracks. That damn voice of hers is like a shot of adrenaline—I’m on edge, jittery, and I can’t decide if I want to fight or fuck.
Of course now my dick wakes up, and he’s ready for option number two.
He was always ready to fuck her.
Meanwhile, I’m filled with questions—number one being how the fuck she ended up in a strip club in Chicago, but they can wait until I get her alone.
“No, thank you. I’m here to see Phoenix.” Her syrupy tone wraps around me, and for a second, I’m transported to the past and almost forget where I am. Almost, but then the dipshit opens his mouth.
“I can take care of you better than he can.”
“I said no.”
This fucking guy has a death wish because he puts his hands on her, rubbing his stubby little fingers down her arms.
I see red.
I may have grown up on the poor side of my little town in Northern California, but when a woman says no, you walk away. And you sure as fuck don’t put your hands on her—especially when that woman belongs to me. Somewhere in the back of my mind it registers that he has no idea who she really is, or who I am. He doesn’t know she’s mine, but he’s about to.
“I don’t believe she’s interested.” I grab the guy by his collar, making sure to pull hard enough that the top button of his dress shirt presses into his throat and cuts off some of his oxygen. “If you’re not down the stairs and out of this club in the next five seconds, I’ll cut off your hands and mail them to your mother. Don’t you think about touching her ever again, or your hands won’t be the only thing I cut off.”
Before I have a chance to glance toward what I can only assume is a small dick, he’s gone from my line of sight, and I can hear him huffing and puffing all the way down the stairs. I don’t dare turn my head away from Eve’s widened green eyes to watch him scurry away.