Page 292 of Sacrilege
“I know, like me, you will see that she is your queen too, and those of you who may have their doubts, I assure you they will be put to rest over the coming days.”
Taking my hand again, he marches me across the stage and down the steps. Before my feet even reach solid ground, people crowd around us.
“Her hair,” someone says in awe.
“Look at her eyes!” another gasps.
Don remains firmly entrenched at my side as people shake my hand and touch my skin. I can’t stop staring at them crowded around us. Every face I look into is filled with shock and awe. Even those who approach who seem unsure or hesitant leave with similar expressions.
“Why do they look at me like that?” I murmur sometime later. It feels like I’ve shaken hands with half of the congregation, and the smile on my face is starting to hurt.
“They can sense it.”
“Sense what?” Frowning, I look up at him as he leads me away from the party.
“Your power.”
“What power? I don’t have any powers… except for the curses the Devil wields through me.”
The noise of the ongoing party fades away as we step into the tunnel. With the moon blotted out, we’re cast into shadow, and between the flickering of torch flames, I notice Don shake his head. “The Devil is not using you as his conduit. Those people are superstitious idiots, although that doesn’t mean you do not possess immense strength. I imagine the people in your hometown could sense it too. It’s why they were so afraid of you. However what you have isn’t to be feared. It needs to be nurtured and guided. Your family made you believe you were weak, but you have the capacity to do incredible things.”
“Bad things,” I mutter, thinking of all the terrible acts I’ve committed against the people of my town. Whether this power is from the Devil himself or me, I’m still the one responsible.
Don grabs me by the shoulders. Turning my body to face him, his hold on me is firm as his gaze pins me in place. “Bad, sure, if that’s how you choose to use it. The point is that you, Kali, are the one who chooses how to use it—however you see fit.”
“Is that why you brought me here? Because of this power?”
His face softens ever so slightly and one side of his lips quirks up. “I brought you here because the second I laid eyes on you, I knew you were my other half. I’m the shadow lurking in the darkness, and you're the flame drawing me into the light.” He strokes his hand along my hair. “I’m gasoline and you're the match, and together we’ll set the world on fire.”
I mostly stand on the sidelines and watch the party unfold before me. Eventually, Dara comes over and pulls me into the mass of dancing bodies. She’s grinning broadly as she sways to the strange, drumming music. Her movements are fluid and rhythmic, and I awkwardly stand there watching everyone around me as they move freely, so in tune with their bodies.
“Move,” Dara shouts over the music before grabbing my hands. Hesitantly, I follow her lead, my movements stiff and uncoordinated compared to hers. “Loosen up. It’s supposed to be fun.”
I try to do as she says, loosening my limbs and allowing her to direct my movements until I actually do find myself feeling more relaxed.
“That’s it,” Dara says, grinning when she notices my smile.
I’m sweaty and breathless by the time she drags me over to a large ice bucket filled with bottles of water.
“Are you having fun?” she asks while we sip our drinks.
“Yes?” It comes out as more of a question. “I still have no idea what is going on, though.”
“Don’t worry about it for now. At our core, we’re all about following our own path and living life the way we want, not according to anyone else's rules. There’s more to it than that, but that’s the important bit for now.” She takes another gulp of her water. “So, what’s the first thing you want to do with your new life?”
“Umm.” I’m so far out of my depth, in a reality where I never even considered that I have no answer to her question.
When I come up with nothing, Dara drops her gaze over my borrowed clothes. “Maybe we should start with some new clothes.”
Before I can answer, I feel a presence at my back. Somehow—I don’t know how—I know it’s Don. It’s as if my body is naturally tuned to respond to his. His heat wraps around me like a comforting blanket, and I instinctively lean closer to him.
“What are you two gossiping about?” he asks in that smokey voice that sends tingles down my spine.
“I was telling Kali we should go shopping, if she’s up for it?”
They both look at me, and I swallow the last of my water before agreeing. “Sure. Shopping sounds… fun.” I’ve never actually been shopping. My mother either made all my clothes or purchased them from the charity shop in town. My presence was never required. Vanity is a sin; my time was better spent repenting than accompanying my mother.
Dara claps her hands together, looking delighted. “Fantastic. We can go tomorrow.”