Page 265 of Sacrilege
Grabbing my hips, Hayes turns me around and looks into my eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but something passes between us. Mr. Hayes wants me to believe he’s on my side.
Doesn’t he know I can’t trust him? Everyone in this place is set on hurting me. I don’t understand why he’s suddenly on my side, but I’m sure it’s not for my benefit. It’s for his.
Steps resonate against the stone. Someone is coming down the hallway and I freeze as a small gasp escapes me. What if they catch us? He’ll be fired, but I’ll still be stuck here and punished for the both of us.
He presses a finger against my lips.
“Don’t worry,” he whispers. His voice is sweet poison. It lures you in just to slaughter your resolve.
As the steps approach and we’re sure they’re coming to the chapel, my eyes widen with fear.
“On your knees.”
My eyes dart to his crotch and back to his face. “W-what?”
His perverted smile twists my stomach with need. “Not for me, Miss Stewart. For God. Go pray. Now.”
He steps to the side, and I run to the first pew I can reach, dropping to my knees, bringing my hands together at my chest, and bowing my head like a good worshipper.
Behind me, I hear the chapel door open, creaking on its hinges.
“Ms. Moore.” His dark voice is so different from the way he was purring in my ear a minute ago.
There’s a couple more steps as I imagine Moore advances into the chapel. “I was told Miss Stewart was causing trouble yet again.”
“She was,” he nods. “As you can see, I’ve got it handled.”
“And did the punishment fit the crime?” She says in her venomous voice.
“Well,” Hayes chuckles low. “She’s praying, isn’t she? I thought that’s what you wanted.”
There’s a long pause during which I have no idea what they do. Are they just…observing me? Fear gripping my stomach, I make sure to whisper my prayer loud enough that Moore can hear it.
“Don’t let her fool you, Mr. Hayes. She’s as cunning as they come.”
“I won’t. In fact, let me talk to you in the hallway. Something happened yesterday that I’d like to share with you.”
My heart drops in my stomach as I hear them walking out and the door shutting.
He’s going to tell her!
How could I have been so stupid to think that Hayes was on my side? He made me admit what my plan had been just so he could tell Moore.
I’m still sticky between my legs from the pleasure he forced on me and shame engulfs me. He played me. And if I try to defend myself…they won’t believe me.
They didn’t when I told them about the last man who had touched me.
I risk sneaking a peek behind me and notice they’ve shut the door when they left to talk in the hallway.
Standing up on shaky legs, I start walking to the side door that I know leads to the gardens and then the woods. I have to leave. I won’t survive whatever Moore will have in store for me once Hayes tells her what I tried to do.
I don’t want to die a prisoner here.
I’d rather die trying to leave.
I take silent but hurried steps toward the door and open it in the quietest way possible.