Page 248 of Sacrilege
“Sir…Sir,” Claire insists until I turn to her and soften my gaze.
“Sister Ivy asked me to give you her notebook. She says it’ll be easier for you to catch up on what we were up to.”
“Thanks,” I smile. Turning back to Haley, I can see her pushing another girl out of her way as she gets to her seat.
And just because she thinks she’s invincible, I take her down her pedestal.
“Miss Stewart,” I say calmly, relishing in the way she closes her eyes for a few seconds before turning to me fully.
She doesn’t say anything but stares at me.
“Why don’t you come sit at the front today.” My question is nothing but a calmly spoken order.
“What?” she scoffs.
“Right here. In front of my desk,” I smile as I point to the solo desk right in front of mine.
“This is my seat. Why should I move?”
“Because I said so. Kind and obedient. Remember?”
Her dark eyes narrow on me and her mouth twists.
“I could always mention to Ms. Moore—”
“Whatever,” she cuts me off as she gets up. She rearranges her skirt, making sure it’s to her mid-thighs before making her way to the front. She sits down where I pointed and glares up at me. I turn to the class and start today’s lesson, completely ignoring her.
It’s not until I’ve given everyone something to get busy with that I sit down at my desk and pretend to write something down. I discreetly look up, finding her watching me and seething with her arms crossed. I can’t help but smile as I look below her desk. She crosses and uncrosses her legs, showing me that she wore the underwear I found her with last night. Then she does it again. And again.
My dick strains in my slacks and I scratch my throat as I shift in my seat. How many times can she do this before I explode in my boxers like some teenager?
Someone calls my name, but I struggle to refocus. I turn to Claire and want to die. She never leaves me alone.
It takes forever for the class to end, and Haley has no idea what’s coming to her after all the teasing she’s done. She dropped her pencil too many times for it to be believable and she looks exquisite in these panties.
I have never been a good man. I just never thought I was that immoral.
As soon as the chapel bells ring eleven am, the girls gather their stuff to leave, but I call out in a grave voice, “Miss Stewart. Please, come see me. I need to talk to you about the work you handed in on Monday.”
She turns to me with a big smile. “Of course, Sir.”
An alarm rings at the back of my head. She’s up to something and I need to be careful. It’s hard when I know what she’s wearing for me, though.
She comes by my desk, and I search for the homework she handed-in two days ago. I bring it to the top of the pile next to Claire’s and discuss it with her as everyone files out of the classroom.
“The homework Sister Ivy had given you is hard for me to grade fairly,” I tell her. “Yours looks a lot like Claire’s. One of you clearly copied the other and I can’t grade either of you before hearing the truth.”
She crosses her arms and rests her hip against my desk. “Why don’t you talk to Claire, then? Because I didn’t copy anything.”
I raise an eyebrow at her and lean back in my seat. “Call me presumptuous, but I don’t think Claire needs to copy anything from you. However, I do think she did your homework because you’re a little bully who thinks she rules this school and can get away with it.”
The last girl leaves the classroom and I rise from my seat. I purposely avoid even grazing Haley as I go past her and to the door. I close it and lock it. I feel her shift behind me as I do so but don’t pay much attention. I’ll find out what she’s up to eventually.
If the little minx thinks she can fool me, she’ll have to think again. Real hard.
When I turn around, I half expected her to have unbuttoned her shirt, but she’s sneakier than that. She’s leaning against my desk, biting her lower lip, and looking up at me.