Page 191 of Sacrilege
Is it strange to feel desire when my night began with blood and torture?
I imagine Kyra is experiencing a similar dilemma, since her eyes no longer carry tears but burn with sensual curiosity.
At first glance, I couldn’t picture the woman on those steps in a place like Verus. But then I heard her play.
Her hypnotic notes had every person in the room under her spell. She moved and breathed as though the music was an outlet for her lost soul, and the pieces she bared melded flawlessly with the heart of V’s sanctum.
The angel outside the house of worship was impossible to resist. The woman inside the den of sin is one I want as mine.
A part of me is rationalizing my restraint, knowing it’s not right to corrupt an innocent girl. One who can’t be more than twenty to my thirty-one.
The other part of me urges to dirty those white wings, twist and mold the angel into my dark lover.
The only thing stopping me is the knowledge that once I have her, she’ll be forever tainted by me. My soul will spread its blackness to her pure heart, and then she’ll be burdened with that shadow.
Verus may be exactly the place to save Kyra, but I can’t be her guide. No matter how much I ache to.
I bring my thoughts back to the room, finding Kyra and V discussing living arrangements.
“I won’t live with you for free,” Kyra insists.
“What are you suggesting?” V asks.
Kyra shifts from one foot to the other. “Well, if you’ll have me, I could work here.” She runs her fingers across the edge of the piano. “Maybe play for you.”
V joins her, examining the beautiful artwork on the side of the frame.
“It was a gift. And it deserves to be played more than the few times it has since it arrived.” V smiles devilishly. “If you play every night like you just did, you have a deal.”
“Really?” Kyra asks, an answering grin splitting her face.
“We might even have you play during a scene atop the piano. Now that would be a treat.”
Kyra opens her mouth to ask but I shut that down. “Absolutely not.”
V tsks. “Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport, Leo.”
“I’m serious, V,” I say, my tone giving Kyra the good sense not to join the debate.
“Relax,” V says, “we’ll start slow. But don’t for one second think that means you have any say here.”
“Are you done? I think Kyra deserves a good night’s sleep.”
V raises a brow but nods. I make for the door and Kyra turns, only to bump straight into Roxy. Kyra lets out an adorable squeak when she’s met with mostly naked flesh. She stumbles back and I steady her with a hand on her waist.
“Sorry, sugar, didn’t see you there,” Roxy says.
Kyra can’t help but stare at the ample cleavage and scraps of lace barely covering the woman in front of her.
Roxy chuckles. “You can touch. Taste if you prefer.” She winks. “I’m not just candy for the eyes.”
Kyra tenses and my other hand finds her hip, stroking soothing lines with my thumb.