Page 177 of Sacrilege
“Need any help in here?” My body tenses in horror at the sound of Henry’s voice. He steps into the room, visible through the clear shower curtain, and I could just die. There’s one brief, bitter moment when I wish they would kill me and get it over with.
I turn my back on him, and both of them laugh. “If anything,” Rebecca tells me, “this is your initiation. You had better get used to men seeing your body. They’ll be doing a lot more than that, too.”
“A body like that?” Henry grunts, and the obvious desire in that grunt turns my stomach. “You’d better get used to being more than looked at. They’re going to use you up. They’re going to mark that skin and leave you dripping cum from every hole. I wish I could be there to watch it.”
I could throw up here and now just hearing it. We’d see how funny they think it is. It’s better to keep going and try to ignore them. I can’t let them think they’re getting to me, even though my hands are shaking. Not a good idea to try to shave with shaking hands.
Even though it’s the most humiliating thing imaginable, I shave my pussy until it’s smooth, then continue to my legs. It doesn’t take long before I’m finished, but it feels like an eternity until I can turn off the water and take the towel Rebecca hands me.
“When you’re finished drying off,” she says, “you will put this on. Hurry up. We don’t have much more time, and they don’t like to be kept waiting.
“Who are they?”
“What does it matter? Stop stalling. You’re not going to change anything.”
At least she doesn’t argue when I wrap the towel around myself for a little bit of modesty while I comb out my wet hair and pull it back. It feels good having a hot shower after everything that’s happened the past couple of days. I wish I could enjoy it.
My stomach drops when my fingers close around the gauzy material in the bag. At first, I don’t even understand what I’m looking at. It’s completely see-through, white, barely more than a scrap of fabric. “Be glad you’re going to be wearing anything at all,” she informs me.
When I don’t move fast enough to put it on, she pulls out the stun gun again. “Do I need to use this? I would hate to mark you up and lose money. You have no idea how I could punish you for that.”
How can she pretend to care about God? As I pull the baby doll dress over my head, all I can think about is those long, boring sermons she gives. Going on and on about obedience, following God’s plan, and how we are on the right side of history. Doing the Lord’s work and all that.
This is who she’s been all along. The kind of woman who would watch as I degrade myself, all so she can make money. I hate to think about how many girls have been in this position.
I hate to think how many more will be after I’m gone.
With the lingerie comes panties, but they’re not really panties. A bunch of strings holding together a tiny piece of material that barely covers my pussy once I’ve pulled them on. I might as well not be wearing anything at all—my entire body is on display as I stare at my reflection in the full-length mirror.
“Very nice,” she decides with a firm nod, standing behind me. “They should be here any time now. You’ll wait in the bedroom until they arrive, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t make a sound.”
My heart is thumping, and my palms are slick with sweat. I’m shaking so hard I have to clench my teeth to keep them from chattering.
All this time, I haven’t heard anything from Elijah. I haven’t seen him, and all of the bedroom doors besides mine are shut. Where is he? If I could just get a look at him, something to confirm he’s here and not somewhere else doing errands meant to keep him out of the house, I might be able to get through this without feeling like I’m going to die.
Did he mean it when he said I could trust him? That he’s going to protect me?
All I can do is hope the answer is yes.
Otherwise, my nightmare is just beginning.
“What are we doing?”
I hold a finger to my lips at the sound of my brother’s question, then look over my shoulder. They’re still inside, too busy worrying about Leona to notice we left the house. That’s not going to be the case forever. “Remember, you have to be quiet. You can’t say anything.”
I open the back door to the car and put him inside. “Now, stay down, and don’t say a word.”
“You already said that,” he whispers, rolling his eyes.
“And you just spoke, didn’t you?” He only rolls his eyes again as I tuck our bags in with him. He still thinks this is some kind of game, and he can keep thinking that. I’ll explain everything to him eventually. He won’t understand right away, but he’ll eventually get it. I need to believe he will.
Once he’s out of sight, I go back into the house. Rebecca and Dad are still upstairs, so I go to the kitchen and grab bottled water from the fridge and snacks from the pantry, shoving them into an old shopping bag. I don’t know how long we’re going to have to be on the road before we can stop, and I can’t let Tristan go hungry.
I’ve planned this for so long, but there’s no being ready for something like this. Not really. Even though I know we have everything we need, at least until we can stop to rest when it seems like we got away, my heart’s pounding out of my chest. This is it. I won’t get a second chance.