Page 156 of Sacrilege
“Do you want me to leave? Give you some time to get your head straight?”
Cas drops his forehead to rest against mine, sighing softly. “No. I’d actually like it if you stayed with me tonight. I’m not asking for sex, but I’d like the comfort. And answers if I have new questions.”
“Of course.”
It’s later than I thought. We’d been reading her journal for hours without realizing how long we’d been at it. I borrow an old high school gym shirt to sleep in, and crawl under the covers with him. He’s laying on his back wearing only shorts, so I play with the smattering of hairs on his chest as I lay with his arm wrapped around my back. Neither of us speak. We simply lay there together, rebuilding our relationship with each touch. It’s not long before a soft snore emanates from him. Happy he was able to fall asleep with his mind so full of questions, I allow myself to finally drift off, knowing we’re back where we’re supposed to be.
A warm arm wrapping around my waist wakes me. I’m so warm and comfortable I don’t want to wake up, but the morning light filtering through the blinds combined with the rough hand sliding up my thigh have other plans for me. His fingers trail along the waistband and slide just slightly inside, pausing as if he’s waiting for me to give him permission. Unwilling to break the silence with words I simply roll my ass back to press myself up against his hard cock, smiling when he groans softly.
I hum when his fingers dip lower, finding my clit and circling it before slipping two fingers inside me. Cas slides his other arm under me and pulls me back against him, pressing against my abdomen to lock us together. His movements remain teasingly slow, something he used to do regularly. I have no patience for that this morning though. I reach my own hand back and push the waistband of his shorts down off his hips, not stopping until his cock is freed. He’s so thick and warm I can’t help release a low moan to match his as I stroke him slowly enough to match his speed. I won’t be satisfied until he’s inside me, so I raise my leg to create space between us and angle him towards my entrance.
A moment of hesitation passes, and I’ve almost decided he’s not interested until he pulls his fingers from me and shifts my panties to the side, removing the barrier between us. His grip moves to my thigh and he pulls my leg back further, holding me in place as he pushes inside me. My breath falters at the sensation of being full. I can do nothing but tilt my head back with my eyes closed in bliss and savor the knowledge that it feels like we never spent a day apart. Cas starts a steady rhythm, the grip he has on my leg limiting my movement and offering a slight tinge of pain with the pleasure. The hand that was pressing on my stomach descends to my clit, and his touch there is achingly slow as he speeds up his thrusts.
My breath is coming out in little pants and I desperately want to release the moan building in my chest, but I don’t want to break this perfect silence. I can feel the orgasm building, being teased out by the gentle pressure on my clit. I both want to come, and never want to, so this moment will last forever. Our first time together again after all these years. Cas tucks his face into the crook of my neck, his hot breath sending shivers through me as he increases the pace and force of his thrusts. I think I’ll have bruises with how tightly he’s holding me, and possibly a strained groin muscle, but it’s completely worth it.
I tighten my muscles around his dick and he stutters as my hold tightens. His growl of frustration brings a smile to my face, but it drops immediately when he nips the lobe of my ear and whispers, “Go on, come for me Laurel.”
That’ll do it.
My orgasm explodes, radiating from my center to the tips of my hands and toes. My moan is long and loud and I no longer care that it breaks the perfect silence we were in. All I care about is having him join me in falling over this beautiful ledge. I pull my leg down so I can squeeze him more tightly, and after a few more strokes he slams into me one last time, releasing a long, drawn out, “Fuck.”
I’m pretty sure the sexiest sound a man can make is that drawn out curse as he’s coming inside you.
Eventually, he pulls out of me and leans back slightly to pull his pants back up, then reaches down to straighten my panties as well. “I’m due at the temple soon, we already slept in. I want you to keep these sexy as fuck panties on, without cleaning up, and come pick me up for lunch still wearing them. Can you do that?”
“What if I need to pee?” I ask, knowing I already do.
“Then we’ll just have to start over. Try not to, ok? Stay here and relax as long as you want and I’ll see you in about an hour.”
“Working hard, Cleric?”
Cas’s desk is covered in paperwork and he’s so focused on it he didn’t notice me come in. Although he jolts at the sound of my voice, he finishes writing something and closes his notebook before leaning back in his chair, spinning the pen in his hands and raking me with a hot gaze. Today I chose to wear a floor-length skirt and turtleneck over my white panties and corset bra, the perfect picture of obedience to the Radiant God. I won’t be going into the temple proper, so headwear is thankfully not required.
“Actually, I’m going over the temple’s finances. You’ll be shocked to learn my father has been… relocating the funds in our coffers without Elder authorization.”
Hand to my chest I gasp loudly. “Not the Reverant!” I put the back of my hand to my forehead as if I’m going to faint. “He is above reproach! There simply must be an explanation that justifies it.”
Cas rolls his eyes and stands, moving to meet me where I stand in front of his desk as his expression turns serious.
“The reason I called you here today, Laurel, is because I’ve been less than impressed with your devotion to the Radiant Father. I know it’s been years since you’ve worshiped frequently, so I thought we should hold a private ceremony. You know, to get you back on track.” His mirth finally breaks through and shines in his dark eyes. “And…stuff.”
“Stuff, huh?” As much as I want to step into their temple as rarely as possible, I’m definitely more interested to discover what we can do to defile it. “Lead the way, Cleric. I am eager to worship at your altar.”
“I think I’m the one who will be worshiping at yours, Priestess.”
“That’s High Priestess, sir,” I correct him. “What about your dad though? You aren’t worried he’ll walk in on us?”
“Nope. He’s off getting his hair colored again. That takes hours.”
We reach the temple doors and Cas holds it open for me, sweeping his arm in a dramatic gesture to indicate I should enter ahead of him. I walk in, head held high though I hate this place, and take the steps up to the altar. I’ve never been up here before, and it’s incredibly strange, especially with the lights so low. The black fabric almost tickles my skin when I smooth my hands along the surface, and it looks like there is more puddled on the ground than I ever thought. This fabric is lovely, but maybe he’s just too lazy to have someone hem it? I have to admit, it does look nice draped at the bottom.
I’ll never admit that to anyone, though.
Cas steps up behind me, caging me in with his body as he slowly slides his hands from my elbows to my fingers. He nuzzles my neck and presses gentle kisses from my shoulder to my ear before choosing to speak.