Page 152 of Sacrilege
“I can help you believe. I can prove to you that His power and brilliance are real.” His eyes are locked on my breasts, not my face, and the fire in them looks like madness. My skin crawls as he licks his bottom lip and finally meets my eyes.
“I still don’t understand. Can we… would you like to sit down to discuss this?”
“We don’t need to move,” he says as he steps closer and presses his body against mine. I can feel his erection against my stomach and all I want to do is kick him in the balls and vomit on him simultaneously. “I can help save your mother, Laurel. Would you like that?”
“How?” I want to at least listen to this part before I splash the steaming coffee next to me in his face.
“If I ask it of Him, the Father will cure her. Would you like that?”
“Of course I would. If you can, though, why haven’t you?”
“Because I need something in return, of course. Miracles are never free.”
Marian called me when her video doorbell sent her a notification of movement and she realized my father was at her house. She knew Laurel was home by herself so she asked me to stop by and make sure everything was ok. Since she won’t be able to make it home for at least an hour, she took a chance that I would be just a few blocks away.
I snuck in and out of this house more times than I can count when we were younger, so it's easy to open the door and step in specific places to stay silent. I don’t want to think the absolute worst of my dad, but I know him well enough to understand if he’s hiding his car in the back of the house he’s up to something. My fears are confirmed when I pause around the corner from the kitchen to listen without them knowing I’m here. My father is propositioning her! Her body for her mother’s life? To represent himself as someone able to influence a god? If she were gullible like so many of the other young women in the flock she would give in and do anything to save her mom. He’s ridiculous.
I take a risk and peek around the corner to find Laurel trapped between my father and the counter. I’ve caught him doing this to another young woman before and when I confronted him while it was happening he began a campaign against the girl. I refuse to let him do the same to Laurel. Looking around the room I find a wrench tucked in the back of the shelf over the washer, so I pick it up and step lightly back to the outside door. I want to give them time to separate so I open it silently and shut it loud enough that they’d notice it in the kitchen. I also stop to take my shoes off and put them on the shoe rack to give them a few additional seconds. Plus, Marian insists.
“Laurel? Dad? Marian called and asked me to come by to take a look at that leaky sink.” I turn the corner into the kitchen holding the wrench up for proof. Thankfully, my father is now sitting at the table. Laurel is busying herself pouring coffee and pulling out the cream and sugar. “Hey Dad. I didn’t realize you’d be here until I saw your car. Is everything ok?”
While Laurel’s cheeks are tinged pink, my father’s face is deathly pale. “Castor,” he says stiffly, nodding at Laurel in thanks as she places a coffee mug in front of him. “Yes, everything is fine. I simply stopped by to check in to ask how Laurel and her mothers are doing.”
Laurel finally turns to me and smiles with relief filling her light eyes. “Hey, Cas. You want some coffee? I didn’t realize you were stopping by.”
“Sure, thanks. Your mom called me this morning and said her bathroom sink was leaking a little bit. I was running errands earlier and just got the chance to stop by.”
Dad finally takes a small sip of his coffee and abruptly scoots his chair back so he can stand. “I’ll be going then. Laurel, please think about my offer and call me any time. The Radiant Father’s light can perform miracles.”
“What offer?” I ask, accepting my own mug from her with a smile.
“My offer of counseling, of course. Illnesses can be very taxing on family members.”
“I do appreciate it, Reverant. I promise I’ll keep it in mind, I just don’t think I’m ready yet.”
His tense nod is followed by his exit, the door slamming shut behind him.
“Mom’s sink isn’t leaking, is it?
“Nope. She saw him on the doorbell camera and called me in to rescue you. Good thing too, I heard what he was saying to you. How, or why, is he still alive?”
She laughs and rolls her neck and shoulders to relieve the tension in her body, shaking out her hands and putting them on her hips. “I cannot believe how much of a fuckwad he is!” she groans. “As if I would honestly believe he has the ability to cure Mom’s cancer? If the Radiant God was able to do that everyone in the world would worship him.”
“Come here.” She’s worked up, and rightly so. I wouldn’t have been able to stay as cool as she was in that type of situation, but now that he’s gone I want her to realize she’s safe. Once I have her wrapped in my arms, I can feel the fine tremble running through her body. “I don’t think I heard everything, but I heard more than enough. Are you ok? Like, really ok? You’re shaking.”
“Oh that’s rage, not fear,” she mumbles into my chest. “I thought about killing him, but didn’t want to clean up the mess. Plus,” she shrugs, “I'm too delicate to be a prison bitch.”
I laugh and lift her up with my hands on her ass and carry her into the living room to relax. “If I remember correctly, you’re not that delicate.” I didn’t want to let her go, so she ends up straddling me as I sit on the couch. She’s so fucking beautiful she still takes my breath away every time I see her. As glad as I am I stayed to take care of my mom, it kills me to know I hurt her and missed so much time with her.
I pull her to me with my fingers buried in the hair at the nape of her neck and ghost my lips across her. Each time she leans in to kiss me I pull away slightly. Her growl makes me chuckle, so I simply lean back and smile at her. “I am sorry,” I confess. Another growl, this time more aggressive, leaves her lips.
“Not this shit again, we said we’d have a fresh start,” she pouts. “That means no more talkie. More kissy.”
As much as I want to tell her how deep my well of regret is, and continue making things up to her, she’s right. If I don’t stop apologizing we’ll never be able to move forward. “Fair enough.” I slide my hands up under the hem of her shirt and firmly grab her waist to pull her towards me. The shift in her position causes her center to rub against my hardening dick. She smirks and rolls her hips, grinning and leaning forward to lick across my lower lip. I open my mouth and she slips her tongue inside to tangle with mine.
Gods, she feels like home. I’m about to pick her back up and take her upstairs to her bedroom, but the back door is thrown open, slamming against the dryer and jolting us apart. Laurel jumps off me to sit on the couch and we straighten ourselves as much as possible before Marian runs into the room.