Page 135 of Sacrilege
As the shirt fell over my head and down my body, I finally faced them again. I thought getting dressed would quell their hunger, but both still looked as if they wanted to take a bite out of me. I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” I snapped at them. “We should check on your friend.”
Christian walked forward and scooped me up into his arms. To my surprise, he passed the flashlight over to me. I clutched it in my hands, aiming the glow at the hallway to light our way. We spilled out into the chapel which was now lit all over with candles. I gazed up at the biker who was holding me.
“I found those on the ground and more in the basement. At least it’s not dark anymore.”
I nodded. The soft glow of the candlelight made everything feel different than it did when the room was bathed in sunlight. As if darkness hid out at the corners, waiting to consume us all. The shudder that passed through me didn’t go unnoticed. Christian stared, but I didn’t have an explanation that would make any sense to him.
Christian sat me down on a chair beside Grimm. I drew my legs up, ignoring the pain in favor of the safety the position gave me. Wrapping my arms around my legs I watched as Hyde and Christian settled in. We all stared at each other, my stomach twisting as I squirmed.
“Give me the whiskey,” I finally blurted, not able to stand it anymore. “If I’m going to be stuck here with the three of you, I want a drink.”
Hyde reached over and snagged the bottle. After he tilted it up and he swallowed a few long, hard gulps, he passed it over to me.
“No chaser. Think you can handle it?” Hyde asked.
I put the bottle to my lips and stared at him as I chugged the whiskey down. Heat coursed down my throat, but I kept drinking until I pulled it away and sucked in a breath. I reached up, undoing the bun that held my thick, frizzy hair. I never let it down around other people. My mother’s spanish blood and my father’s african american heritage had turned it into a beautifully thick, but wild mane of hair.
“Damn,” Hyde muttered.
“Yeah, I second that damn,” Christian answered.
My cheeks burned as I took another long sip. At least the whiskey coursing through my system tried to soothe the nerves rapidly firing throughout me. Christian took the bottle before I could have another and gulped down a few shots himself.
“A woman after my heart,” Hyde mused, clutching his chest as if he was having a heart attack “Who knew I would find it in a woman like you?”
I shook my head. “There’s nothing to find,” I said shortly. “My only interest is my church and those in it.”
“Are you sure?” Hyde asked. “Your nipples have been rock hard since before you showered. Maybe you want something more.”
My teeth sank into my bottom lip. I was never going to admit anything to the degenerates before me. Instead I grabbed the bottle and drank again. The more I had, the better I felt. It washed away my worries and fears, leaving only calmness and surety in its wake.
“Are either of you going to tell me what really happened to him?” I asked, nodding toward Grimm. “Why was he shot?”
Hyde and Christian exchanged looks. It was as if they were having a conversation that I wasn’t privy to. When they turned to look at me, Christian’s face had dissolved into worry, but Hyde looked steady.
“Someone took advantage of the daughter of one of our members. She’s young,” Christian said.
“How young?” I asked.
“Thirteen.” He shook his head. “We don’t fuck with pedos, but Grimm hates them more than the rest of us. He decided to have a conversation with the club that was responsible. Shit went down.”
“Is…Is the other guy…” I didn’t know how to finish my sentence. “Did Grimm help her?”
“Yeah. He made sure she could never be abused again,” Hyde sneered. “That fucker deserves everything he got and more.” He glanced at me. “Sorry for the language.”
“It’s okay,” I whispered. I looked at Grimm. “So, he was doing something good.”
“We’re not complete jerks,” Christian snapped. “Mostly, we take care of ours and make sure the people around us have someone who’s looking out for them.”
I knew that wasn’t all of it. No matter how pretty you tried to paint a motorcycle club, there was carnage and death behind them. I’d found that out the hard way.
Christian passed the bottle back to me and I upended it. Gulp after gulp rolled down my throat. They stared when I returned it to them. But I glanced at Grimm instead. He was still sound asleep.
“He seems to be doing well,” I said, reaching out to touch his forehead. His skin was a little clammy, but not hot. “Thank God.”
Hyde blew out a breath. “That’s the kind of news I need.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a joint. As he lit it up, he gazed at me and shrugged. “My brother was shot. Let me enjoy myself.”