Page 111 of Sacrilege
I lick her until she’s clean, then help her up as she spits out her panties. I kiss her hard. “Don’t ever think I don’t want you,” I whisper. “There’s just a lot going on, and this town would never accept what I want to do to you.”
“I know,” she whispers with a sated smile. Quickly putting her panties back on, she sashays out of the room as if she doesn’t have a care in the world, while I race to my bathroom to clean off my face and brush my teeth.
There is a knock on my door waking me from a really hot dream. My dick is rock hard and I quickly shove it back into my boxers, then climb out of bed and toss some shorts on.
When I reach my door and open it, my dad is standing there looking frustrated about something. He holds his finger up to his lips, nodding towards Tempest's door, and starts walking towards the kitchen. I follow behind him.
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t want to wake her up. She barely sleeps, but I need a favor. I need you to pick up Tempest today and take her to the town doctor. Her mother made her an appointment,” he says with a sigh, looking confused.
“Yeah, got it. Is she sick?” I ask him as I grab some bagels and cream cheese from the fridge and he shakes his head.
“No, her mother just likes to keep an eye on her, it seems. I have to get to church though. We have an early morning meeting. I’ll see you later.”
He leaves me as I finish making myself some breakfast. It seems Tempest is done trying to feed me every morning. I know I’ve been an asshole, but the thought of sitting down with her and eating turns my stomach. We still have so much left unsaid between us. I guess I’ve been waiting for her to say something.
A noise in the hall alerts me to the fact she’s awake. “I need your new number. I’m supposed to take you to the doctor today,” I tell her the moment she walks into the kitchen. She gives me a strange look and bites her bottom lip.
“My number has never changed, King,” she says softly and I snort, shaking my head. I grab my bagel and head towards my bedroom to get dressed. I have to meet Holly shortly and I can’t be late. She’s already going to be pissed, and will have some choice words about me leaving to take Tempest somewhere.
I jump in the shower after finishing my food. My dick is still throbbing since my sex dream, and I know I can’t arrive at Holly’s house with a hard-on. I will never hear the end of it. A few pumps with my soapy hands has me biting my lip to contain a groan and cumming hard all over the tiles. I quickly rinse off, get dressed, and head towards the garage door.
Tempest is still there, looking out of the window, appearing sad. I should go see what’s wrong, but she never cared to check in on me during one of my hardest times.
“I’ll let you know when I’m on the way,” I tell her and she nods. “Just maybe answer my calls or texts this time, Temp.” I can’t help being snarky with a sigh before walking out the door and climbing into my car. Her number never changed? So what’s that mean? Did she block me?
I have so many questions about the past, and they probably will never be answered.
Hurrying up the walkway to Holly’s house, I force a smile as I knock on the door. Ugh, I’m late. She’s going to give me shit for it. Holly answers the door with a sour expression, and I force myself not to sigh.
“Look, Holly, I’m really sorry I'm late. My dad asked me for a favor and I had to talk to him. You know I can’t say no to him,” I explain, holding out my arms.
Holly nods, giving me a small smile. “Come on in. Do you want some coffee?” she asks sweetly.
Hoping I got off easy, I nod with a grin. “That would be great, thank you.”
Walking into the house, I follow Holly into the kitchen. “So, how is it living with your step-sister? She seems awfully close to that girl she was shopping with the other day. Do we really have one of those people living here? Going to our church?”
What the hell? ‘Those people’? My jaw drops open in surprise, because I’m not sure what the right answer is. Temp was never into girls when we were dating, that I know of, but that girl is a wild spirit. She feels deeply, loves hard, and sees people for who they are.
“I, ah, don’t know? I’m not really privy to her sex life,” I hedge.
Nodding, she smashes the button to brew the coffee so hard, I’m afraid she may have broken it.
“Good. I’d prefer you kept it that way. I don’t want you spending time with that whore. What if she passes her bad habits onto you?” she insists. “Tempest has been the topic of conversation for days. I’m so tired of hearing her name. Please can we change the subject to the church fundraiser you’re helping with later today?”
Well, she’s really not going to like this.
“About that… My dad asked if I would take her to the doctors. She doesn’t have a ride, and he’s busy today—”
“Absolutely not! Make the little slut walk. She could use the exercise, since lying on your back doesn’t burn any calories,” Holly snarks, and I’m at a loss for words.
“I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I will be driving Tempest to her appointment, like my father asked me to. You know I am trying to have a better relationship with him, and he never asks me for things.” I plead with her as her face starts to turn red with my disobedience.
”Get out! How dare you try to manipulate me!” Holly screams, launching herself at me and hitting my chest hard. “You need to leave. You need to remember what’s important in life. It’s us against the sinners, remember?”