Page 105 of Sacrilege
Nodding, I rub my face. “Those people hurt my brain. I went to church today, and it’s been a non-stop ridicule fest over my clothes. I don’t really own church appropriate clothes, you know?”
Looking over her shoulder at the church, she nods, as if she can see all of that happening. “Why don’t we not fit in together?” she suggests, brushing my leg with her hand, and my breath catches at her being so forward.
Her hair is blonde with red and brown highlights, and it just suits her perfectly. Even better, her brown eyes don’t remind me of anyone. I’ve been wound up for weeks, and I could use some fun. One that doesn’t require batteries.
“I’m more than okay with this,” I say, as my voice goes playful and breathy.
Kylee grins. “In that case, I really should know the name of the girl who is going to be riding my face soon, don’t you think?”
Biting my lip, I blush at how blatant she is, but I really do need this.
“My name is Tempest. I have just the place. Let’s get the hell out of here,” I tell her enthusiastically, grabbing her hand and standing.
“We can take my car,” Kylee smirks. “While you show me how pretty and wet that pink pussy is.”
Oh yeah, she’s going to be so much fun, and just what I need right now. I need a break from rules, church, and how those bitches made me feel.
I’m so tired as I walk into the house. I looked for Tempest, but I didn’t see her anywhere. One of the women running the raffle ticket table said she went to the bathroom and never came back.
I should have known better than to rope her into working the fair, but we were really short on hands. She’s going to learn she needs to help out, and when she says she’s going to do something…
Giggles and a soft moan interrupt my train of thought, and my lips part in surprise. Walking further into the house to investigate, I see a girl I don’t recognize eating the most gorgeous pink pussy.
Oh my God, Tempest.
Tempest is riding this girl’s face like she was born to, completely naked, gorgeous tan skin taunting me. She moans again, her hands moving to cover her breasts as she pulls on her dusty rose nipples.
I want to be upset. I want to burst in and ask her what the hell she’s doing bringing people over to hook up with, but then I realize we didn’t cover this in the house rules. I need to rectify that… but Tempest gasps, and I can tell the gorgeous girl is close to coming. Do I let her? Or do I keep her from it?
Swallowing hard, I lean against the wall just outside of the door as I watch. I’m the worst kind of voyeur. The self righteous one who hates that he has to watch, and yet doesn’t want to stop it.
The girl eating Tempest out thrusts her fingers inside of her, all while she lifts her own dress and begins to play with herself.
“Oh my God, Kylee, I’m so close.” Tempest gasps as she grinds on the girl’s face. “Please come with me,” she begs.
Kylee works her own pussy furiously, legs shamelessly open. This is the hottest porn I’ve ever seen. I really should say something… Stop this before it goes too far.
Tempest and Kylee come together, and I can hear the wetness from Tempest as Kylee drags her fingers through her arousal.
Walking away quickly on unsteady feet, I shake my head as I escape to my room. That was stupid. She could have seen me. Swallowing, I decide firm boundaries need to be discussed, because next time I may not be strong enough to stop myself from joining in.
Sitting on the bed, I look down at my cock and will it to calm down. Squeezing the tip of it hard, I moan softly. It would be so damn easy just to pull it out and fuck my hand.
No. Standing quickly, I decide that having her around is so difficult because she’s in my head. I haven’t dated anyone in ages, and her proximity to me every day is what’s making me feel this way.
Striding to my office, I open up my laptop and pull up Christian dating sites. I don’t want to sign up to another type of site and end up with someone I’m not compatible with. Scrolling through the options in my area, after setting up my profile, I find someone that appears to be perfect.
She’s pretty, has red hair, and seems to be the opposite of Tempest in every way. Not that she’s the reason I’m doing this though. I just need to date women my own age, so she’s less of a temptation. That’s all this is.
Chatting with the girl, we agreed to set up a date for the following night, for dinner. There! Now maybe I can get the temptation out of my head.
I’m on a date from hell. I want to be anywhere other than here right now. This was a huge mistake. I should have just stuck to my hand and porn. Forcing a smile, I struggle to pay attention to what… Chelsea, I think is her name… is trying to tell me.
“I’m a preschool teacher, and they’re just so precious,” she gushes. “I spend a lot of time after school helping out, but I love it.” I appreciate that she’s a preschool teacher, and she’s sweet, but Chelsea has a tendency to also talk to me as if I’m one of her students.