Page 103 of Sacrilege
She’s pretty, and it’s one of the reasons I asked her out. I figured she would help me forget Tempest, and until she turned up again, she did. Damn, my balls feel heavy, and I’m so horny. Maybe she’ll let me…
It’s dark, the movie is playing now, so I lean forwards and brush her hair to the side. It’s so silky, I can’t help tugging her head back with it as I try to kiss her.
“King,” Holly hisses, slapping me away. “Are you serious right now?”
Sighing, I growl under my breath and flop back into my seat. I’m drowning for attention, can’t she see that?!
I fume throughout the rest of the movie, walking out with her stiffly after the credits roll.
“Hey, are you not going to talk to me?” Holly asks, pushing me against the wall of the theater. Everyone is going in the opposite direction, so no one pays attention to us.
“What do you want me to tell you, Holly? All I wanted was a kiss, or for you to hold my hand, and you keep slapping me away. Why is affection so hard for you?” I ask.
Holly purses her lips as she puts her hand on my face. I melt into it, asking myself why such a small touch makes me react this way. I feel as if I’ve been begging for scraps for so long, every little bit of affection feels amazing.
“King,” Holly coos. “We’ve talked about how we need to live in God’s light. Everyone looks to us to keep them on the right path, so we have to stay strong, right? Your past is behind you now, and I promise to hold your hand during Bible study class tomorrow, okay?”
I cave, because this is the absolute best I can expect from her, and I refuse to return to the guy I was before. It almost got me killed, and I don’t want to ever return to that dark time. “Of course, Holly,” I tell her, and she rewards me with a pat on my hand.
“Hey, Holly,” someone calls out from behind us, and she turns with a smile.
“Want to come with us for milkshakes?” her friend, Sally, I think, asks.
I really need to be better about remembering their names, but even though we live in a small town, I can’t bring myself to care enough to remember. I just don’t care.
Holly looks over at me and I nod. I don’t really want to be around her anymore, and it’s best if she runs off with her friends. I don’t trust the way I’m feeling, not to piss her off more.
Holly puts her hands on my shoulders and kisses my cheek. My eyes widen because I didn’t expect this much affection from her in front of her friends. Holly smiles with a little shrug. “A little kiss is fine. Remember. I’ll see you tomorrow for Bible study, on time, right?” she stresses.
Ugh, of course she hasn’t forgotten that I was late the other day.
“Yes, on time, Holly. I’ll even make sure to leave early, okay?”
Nodding, Holly skips off and I walk to my car relieved. That girl can be really exhausting. I walk a razor’s edge when I’m with her, because any little thing can set her off. Sometimes she’ll slap me, other times she’ll silently dig her nails into my arms while I grit my teeth. As I get into my car alone, I can acknowledge that there are times where she just isn’t a nice person. I know I should probably cut ties, but I take it as my punishment, and just another step towards my redemption.
As I drive home, my thoughts drift, and I find myself thinking about Chastity. She sent me a message a few months ago, and I never responded. There’s a part of me that wishes I had messaged her back. I wanted to… I started to… but I was still so hurt. I’m sure that anything I said would have been mean and hurtful. I couldn’t give her the redemption she so desperately needed from me.
I don’t know if I can now, honestly. Because of her, I’ve had to put so much work into cleaning up my image. I still get side glances from people, and I wonder if they really think I have a kid out in the world. I would never be that irresponsible, nor would I have disrespected Chastity like that. She deserved so much better from everyone in her life.
Pulling into the driveway, I sigh. I have been thinking about Chastity more and more lately, and I’m sure it’s because the past walked back into my life.
I walk inside and head towards my room. I don’t bother checking in on my dad. He seems more stressed since Tempest arrived, and I can only hope that means soon she will be leaving. She’s good at running away when things get rough.
I’m so preoccupied, I don’t realize the water is running in the shower of our shared bathroom, until I see Tempest leaning against the wall, deliciously wet and naked. All the moisture in my mouth evaporates as I stare at her. It’s been so long since I last saw her nude, and the way her curves have filled out makes me rock hard. I have to fight not to join her in the steam.
My cock pushes against my zipper, and I boldly palm it. After watching her prance around all day in those non-existent clothes, plus my shit show of a date, I need a release. I refuse to feel bad that I’m watching her. There’s so much unfinished business between us, what does it matter if I come as I watch her? It’s not my fault that our bathroom connects to our rooms, or that she didn’t think to lock my side before getting into the shower and getting herself off.
Sitting on the edge of my bed, I unzip my pants and pull my cock out. The tip is weeping and angry, and after being tortured all day, I’m sympathetic.
Pulling the precum down my shaft, I hiss as I lift my eyes to the beautiful girl who’s been living in my dreams since she left. Her hand is between her thighs, and three fingers are buried in her tight pussy. It’s been so long, but I still remember what it felt like to be buried to the hilt inside of her. She always felt like heaven. Her palm is firmly grinding against her clit, and I really wish I could taste her.
She was my first, and I always thought she would be my last. It’s funny how life can change in the blink of a moment and turn to total shit. Grimacing, I pull harder on my cock, twisting as I listen to her. As she says my name when she comes, I groan, cum splashing across my hand. Breathing hard, I’m angry as I think about everything we could have had together.
Grabbing a shirt from the floor, I clean my hand while I watch her chest move as she tries to regain her breath. She’s so beautiful, I wish things were different. Fixing myself and zipping my pants, I rush out of the room, brushing the tear from my cheek that betrays my feelings.
I should be done feeling anything for Tempest. After everything, I should hate her… I just wish that were true.