Page 36 of Hard and Unprotected
Maggie was absolutely perfect. She charmed my parents so well that they didn’t even know what hit them. Of course, Evelyn loved Maggie from the get go because my mom’s pretty easy to get along with. But even Henry was eating out of Maggie’s hand by the end of the night, nodding with approval.
I’ll be Lincoln Conglomerate’s CEO in no time.
Even crazier,it was so easy.
Why didn’t I think of this years ago?
But the answer is obvious. It’s because Maggie is the right girl. With the right female on your arm, everything rolls along smooth. Hurdles that appeared to be major obstacles fall by the wayside, no longer enormous mountains to scale.
Maggie’s perfect for my parents.
Hell, the girl’s perfectfor me.
It seemed that Henry agreed too. After drinks and dessert, my dad pulled me aside with a serious look.
“She’s not your usual type,” he harrumphed, a shot of whiskey in one hand. Seriously, Dad needed to lay off. I could see burst capillaries on his nose, and his face was florid and sweaty like an old man suffering withdrawal.
But I nodded agreeably.
“Yeah, Maggie’s different. She doesn’t want to be an actress or model. She’s into animals,” I said smoothly.
Henry harrumphed again, belly shaking.
“The girl have a degree?” he asked.
“Working on it,” I replied. “Maggie’s in school for her AA. She’ll get her BA later, and then apply to a vet program. She wants to work with rescue animals and nurse them back to health.”
That got Henry’s grudging respect because none of us have an advanced degree, so Maggie’s desire to go beyond a BA impressed him.
“Hold on tight to this one,” he grunted, taking another sip. “She’s one in a million.”
I shot him a cool look.
“I intend to,” was my reply.
Evelyn had her thoughts as well. While Maggie was chatting amiably with my dad, my mom pulled me aside.
“Why haven’t you gotten her a ring?” she whispered, eyes aghast. “What girl doesn’t deserve an engagement ring?”
Yeah, it was a little weird that Maggie’s finger was bare. So I nodded.
“Just haven’t gotten to it,” was my smooth reply. “I’m taking her shopping tomorrow, she wanted to pick out her own design.”
“Well you should!” scolded Evelyn, her own ten carat rock glittering under the lights. “It’s shameful that your fiancée doesn’t have one yet! Is that how I raised you?” my mom huffed. “Is that how you treat your women?”
So it was final.
My girl was getting a diamond, and a real nice one too. My wallet was open, and no ring was too expensive, no diamond too big. I was taking her ring shopping and we were going to make this legit.
“We’re here, Mr. Lincoln,” said the chauffeur.
Distracted, I glanced up as the car stopped. Yep, sure enough, we were at Maggie’s place. The front door opened then, and out bounced my best girl with a sweet smile
Fuck, she looked amazing.
Under the pretty yellow sundress, those big boobies jiggled and swayed. And shit, those hips. I shifted in my seat as she slid in, dick already hard and ready to take.
No other woman did this to me.Ever.