Page 108 of Empire of Lies (Torrio Empire)
“That's not what I'm worried about. What about you? Are you safe?”
“Absolutely. There's no reason for anything to be linked to any of us. You have nothing to worry about.”
“I have everything to worry about.” The memory of Sarah’s weeping and Josh’s anguish brings tears to my eyes all over again. They did nothing to deserve this, but I sat there and pretended and only added to their pain. “I'm worried about the person this makes me. I looked those people in the eye and told them I had no idea what had happened. Lied right to their faces.”
“Which is a lot easier for them to deal with, I'm sure, than what truly happened. Would it do them any favors if they knew the truth?” His smooth, confident voice is like a soothing balm that eases my pain.
“No, it wouldn’t.”
“There you go. If anything, you’re doing them a favor by letting them believe their son killed himself. He'll be their tragic little boy who lost his way instead of a man who tried to run you down, kidnapped you, and—”
“I know.” I can’t bear to hear the rest. Doubt he wants to say it all out loud, anyway.
Sinking onto the bed, I scrape together the courage to confess what’s weighing heaviest on my heart. “There's more. We both know who's really responsible for this. I know Lucas made his own choices, but he didn't come up with all of this off the top of his head.”
He snarls like I knew he would. “Amanda.”
“What if she isn't satisfied?” I can see her in front of me, dressed to the nines like she was at the clinic. “I'm sure she still has it out for me.” I'm absolutely certain of it, in fact.
Especially now, since she deduced I'm pregnant. No, I didn't confirm or deny it, but I don't think that matters.
“I'm not going to pretend you don't have a point. She could very well decide to try again. All she wants is to make me suffer.”
“I don't feel safe,” I confess, rubbing my stomach. I don't feel like either of us is safe.
“Then come home. Let me take care of you here. There's no way she can touch you while you're here, under my protection. She wouldn't dare.”
He’s both right and wrong. No, she couldn’t physically hurt me, but she could show up again and raise hell.
Even with that knowledge, my body relaxes as soon as I hear the magic spell that his words weave. The tension that's almost locked my muscles in place drains away. My reservations about Dad’s reaction drain away, too. This isn’t about me, and it’s not about him. My baby needs protection. It’s like everything’s coming into focus now.
That focus is what helps me get my things together before venturing downstairs, where Dad is finishing up in the kitchen. It makes it possible to stand straight and tall while he gapes at me in shock.
“You're going where?” He's so stunned, he didn't drop the sponge in the sink. Now he's dripping dirty water all over the floor, clutching it in his tightening fist.
“Be careful,” I sigh, grabbing paper towels. “You'll slip and hurt yourself.”
“Stop babying me.” He snatches the paper towels from me and drops them on the floor. “Why are you going to Callum?”
“That's just where I want to be right now.”
Because of course, I can't give him any specifics. I can't tell him about Amanda. He could end up getting himself hurt by putting himself in her crosshairs. It doesn't matter that he's a skilled detective who has dealt with people like her for years. I don't want to take any chances. Nothing stops her from hurting other people, specifically if it puts her ahead.
That’s not the only reason; telling him about her would mean spilling all the beans. I can't do that. For so many reasons.
“Dad, please. It has nothing to do with you. I just really want to be there. I'll be fine. And it won’t be forever—somebody has to come around and make sure you've eaten.”
He tosses the sponge into the sink, muttering obscenities under his breath. “I don't like you leaving after you heard news like you just did. Is this about Lucas?”
“No, it’s not.” Not the way he thinks, at least. “I'm going to be fine. Callum's going to take care of me.”
He turns his back to me, but my hand on his shoulder turns him around again. His eyes are getting red, and the tremor in his chin reveals the emotion he's failing to hold back. “And you know what else? He's trying to help us find out what happened to Mom. He really is. Because he knows it's what I want. We have to trust him, Dad. I need you to trust him. Can you at least try, for me?”