Page 3 of Living (Ruined)
“Look at you getting your breakfast in already,” I rasped. “You’re always so fucking eager to drink my cum, sweet girl.”
I finally released her, and she panted, her face red from not being able to breathe. Alejandro wrapped his hand around her throat, pinning her to the mattress, cutting off her airflow. I stood back and watched, letting them have this together.
“Only true sluts enjoy being fucked by the man who bought them,” he murmured against her lips right before she came for a third time, and this time, he came with her, burying himself deep inside of her, growling her name into her neck before he finally released her, allowing her to breathe again.
The bed jostled, and I jerked my eyes open, my hand automatically going for the gun under my pillow. Alejandro pressed his finger to his lips, then pointed at Elaina. I grunted and relaxed before sliding out of bed as well. I needed to get up for church. Even if nothing was currently going on, we still held church every morning.
And right now, nothing was happening. It was peaceful, and while all of us knew that peace wouldn’t last forever, we’d enjoy it while we could. Alejandro kept the club protected, and we only dealt with him when it came to guns and drugs now. Everyone else bought from us. Usually, the only runs that needed to be planned were to meet another club at a halfway point to do an exchange.
We just had to enjoy the good, quiet times when we got them. Because problems always came back around. It was always just a matter of time. Someone was always seeking new territory, always seeking to steal buyers.
Alejandro pulled on his slacks and his button-up before shoving his feet back into his shoes. “I’m going to take care of Antonio until she wakes up,” he whispered. When he was home, he got daddy duty. We split it, but we also made sure Antonio understood who his real father was. That was part of our agreement from the very beginning, even before Alejandro and Elaina became intimate with each other.
I nodded, waving him off. He quietly slipped from the room, barely making a sound. I took a quick two-minute shower and then dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a long sleeve shirt, tugging my boots on afterward. Elaina didn’t stir during any of it.
Sex always wore her out, even if she loved being railed like a two-cent whore.
After pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, I grabbed my cut and slipped from the room, shrugging it on as I made my way up the hall. Whiler raised his coffee in greeting to me. My sister was behind the bar, cleaning glasses, and Ink was holding their daughter on his lap at one of the tables, who was munching on what looked to be Cheetos. I sighed, shaking my head at my best friend.
He let that little girl run all over him.
“Cheetos for breakfast?” I asked.
Ink grunted. “Hence why Jessie is a bit pissed with me, but fuck, it was the only thing that would make her stop throwing a damn tantrum.”
I clapped a hand to his shoulder. “Give her here. Take a break and makeup with my sister. You’ve got five minutes,” I warned him.
He quickly handed Isabelle over to me and stood to his feet, making his way over to the bar. I headed into the kitchen. “Cheetos are not for breakfast,” I told Izzy.
She scrunched her face up, getting ready to scream. “No,” I warned her. “I’m not Daddy. Can’t pull that crap with me,” I reminded her. I didn’t even let Antonio pull that shit. They ate what I gave them, or they went fucking hungry. Simple as that—unless I knew it was something they didn’t like. But neither of the kids were picky eaters.
After setting her on the counter, I grabbed baby wipes we kept in here just for this reason and began to clean her fingers. “You’re going to eat a regular breakfast like a big girl.”
“But I don’t want that,” she whined, kicking her feet out at me. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she quickly blushed, putting her feet back down.
I shrugged at her. “Tough. We’re eating the bacon and eggs your mama worked hard to make, understand?”
She huffed, so much like her mother that it drove me nuts some days. I arched a brow at her. Isabelle could run over Ink like nobody’s business. The man had a huge soft spot for his little girl. But I was a hard ass. Even with Antonio, I was. Kids were smart, and they knew which adults they could get their way with and which ones they couldn’t.
After grabbing her breakfast out of the microwave, I carried her back out to the bar and put her at one of the tables, handing her the plastic children’s fork. “Eat. And don’t tell me you don’t know how to use the fork, little lady, because I know you can when it’s something you want to eat.”