Page 24 of Satisfying the Biker Gang
“It doesn’t matter,” replies John in a smooth tone. “Because he’s already left, if he knows what’s good for him.”
“What’s going on?” I whisper from my seat on the sofa. “What are you talking about?”
It’s then that the four men turn to look at me, their gazes steady yet apologetic at once.
“I’m so sorry that that happened to you,” John begins in a low rumble, his blue gaze bright. “You see, Arthur’s a lone wolf and he’s been acting out a lot in the past year.”
“Lone wolf? More like lone fuckface,” Sam spits contemptuously. John holds one big hand up to stop the stream of epithets.
“Arthur’s had some problems recently. Depression, anxiety, and all that shit. As a result, we’ve been working with him to get his mental health under control, but he hasn’t taken to the treatment. If anything, he’s been acting out even more,” the handsome captain continues.
I cock my head at him.
“Acting out, how? Has this happened before?”
The men share a look before John gives an imperceptible nod.
“Yes,” he growls in a low voice. “Our last train honey, Evelyn, was a wonderful woman, but before she left for Vegas, she told us that Arthur had been abusing her.”
“Abusing her how?” I ask in a whisper, my blue eyes wide.
John shares another look with his brothers, but then nods slowly and continues.
“Evidently, Arthur was always telling her to lose weight,” he says in a low, controlled tone. “We never heard him say anything, because he’d only tell her when they were in the middle of one-on-one sex. He’d mount her anally, and then while she was climaxing and at her most vulnerable, he’d whisper in her ear that she needed to lose weight. Shit like that.”
“What?” I ask with a horrified gasp. “Are you serious?”
Joe nods grimly.
“Even worse, he tried to get her pregnant even though Evelyn was in love with another member of the club, Mike. But when we confronted Arthur about his actions, he claimed it was mental illness and that he was in treatment for his compulsions. Since this was his first infraction, we decided to let it go. Well, not let it go exactly, but we were patient. Arthur continued to see his therapist while taking medication, but clearly, given the events of today, it’s not working,” he says before sharing another meaningful look with his brothers.
“That guy is a fuck-up,” Sam curses hoarsely, his blue eyes furious. “I always knew it. No amount of medication is going to help him. Give him a truckload of ketamine and he’d still be a fucking fuck-up.”
“Yeah,” Nicky says in a morose tone. “How the fuck did this happen?”
“But more importantly,” John intervenes while turning intent blue eyes my way, “is how areyou, Xenia? I realize that things have gone off the rails, but I want you to know that the Cannon Biker Club would never ask you to change your body. You’re beautiful honey, and if anything, we’d just decided that we wanted to ask you to stay.”
I stare at the men, hope blooming in my chest.
“Really?” I whisper, hardly daring to let myself believe. “You want me to stay here at the club with you?”
“Yes,” Joe growls in a low voice while pressing a kiss to the back of my hand. “You’re gorgeous, slutty, funny, feisty, and a good cook too. You handle us with aplomb using a curvy body made for sin, baby girl. You’re exactly what we’re looking for, and we’d love for you to continue living with us. You mean so much to us already, Xenia, and we’re only sorry that this even happened. You can be sure that Arthur will be dealt with.”
It’s then that I throw myself into Joe’s arms, laughing and crying at once.
“I want to stay,” I say in a teary, hiccuping voice. “I thought you’d never ask. I thought Arthur was the bearer of bad news, and I was about to be shown the door.”
“No, never,” John growls from behind me, his big hand caressing my raven tresses. “You mean so much to us, Xenia. Even in just a short time, you’ve already transformed our lives.”
“We adore you,” Sam adds, his blue eyes glowing as he presses a kiss to my wrist. “More than you know, sweetheart.”
“Please say you’ll stay,” Nicky adds, gently running a big hand along my back. “Please, honey.”
With that, I kiss the handsome man, locking lips with him in a passionate embrace.
“I’ll stay,” I whisper while looking deep into that azure gaze. “And I mean it, so you don’t have to worry anymore.”
My words ring true, even as the men continue to pet and stroke my curves. After all, what happened with Arthur was just an aberration. He was a square peg in a round hole who evidently has some serious problems that I wasn’t aware of. But now, my lovers have promised to root out the rotten apple, and I believe them. I know that John, Nicky, Sam, and Joe will do everything in their power to make me happy, and even more, I’ve found bliss in their arms. After all, we can always find a fifth man to party with if need be, but for now, four is more than enough.