Page 2 of Satisfying the Biker Gang
“Of course I’m okay with it! I’m actually really happy for you guys, and Trig’s always at your place anyways, so it’s not like anything’s going to change. Besides, there’s a silver lining because whenever you and Hunter came around, the garbage always had so many used condoms in it. It was insane, so I’m happy that’s not going to happen anymore.”
Rae giggles at my quip, but then goes serious again.
“Yes, but are you okay when it comes to rent? I mean, it’s going to be a stretch living alone, right?”
I nod.
“Yes, but it’s fine. I mean, don’t get me wrong because Apple Tots is obviously not the highest-paying job out there, but Trig’s not going to stop paying rent immediately. He’s going to continue contributing to the bills until I find a new roomie, so it’ll be fine.”
Rae nods, taking a sip of her orange drink.
“That sounds like a good solution,” she murmurs.
I nod.
“Yes, and I’m not sure if my brother told you this, but I’m not going to look for a new roomie until the fall. I’m planning on using this summer to chill, so I thought I might just enjoy having the apartment to myself for a couple months. Is that okay with you guys?” I ask quickly. “I mean, I know talking finances is always a little weird.”
Rae smiles as makes aphht! noise while waving her hand at me.
“No, it’s fine. The rent thing isn’t a big deal because my stepfather’s rolling in dough as an attorney, so we’re good. It’s no problem at all. Take your time finding a roomie.”
I nod, relieved.
“Awesome, I’m so glad to hear you say that because actually, I want to enjoy having the apartment to myself for another reason too. It’s not just about having more space and savoring the solitude …”
Rae quirks an eyebrow at me.
“Let me guess,” she says in a dry tone. “It has something to do with the Cannon Biker Gang.”
I squeal a little, drawing stares, but I don’t care.
“Yes,” I say. “I’m planning on going through their initiation rites this summer, so I figured having the apartment to myself would help me center myself for the process. You know, so if I come home limping and sore, with my hair messed up and a couple bruises here and there, there’s no annoying roommate to ask,what the hell happened to you?”
Rae giggles at my statement, but her expression is a mite confused.
“But I thought you already went through initiation rites. I thought you pulled a train and everything? And said it was wonderful?”
I shake my head slowly, biting my lip.
“No, not exactly. When we talked last, I’d met with some of the guys at the clubhouse and we fooled around a little, to be sure. It was a great time because trust me, these guys are hot to the max, so it was like a hundred degrees in the room.”
Rae interrupts her eyes wide.
“Fooled around?” she asks. “What does that mean? Wait, let me guess: you took off all your clothes.”
I nod because my friend always hits it right on the money.
“I did,” I admit in a low tone, “because the club wanted to do an ‘inspection.’ It’s the first part of the initiation rite. In fact, I wasn’t even being ‘initiated’ exactly. They just wanted to check out the goods before they begin initiation rites, so yeah, I got naked for them, and the guys basically touched and kissed and licked meeverywhere,” I say in a breathy tone. “It sounds so demeaning, but it wasn’t. I felt really good, and honestly, I can’t wait for what happens next.”
Rae’s jaw drops, her brown eyes wide and astonished.
“So let me get this straight: you passed the first stage, which was like a pre-initiation ceremony.”
I nod.
“That’s right. It was a nude, full-body inspection but it was amazing,” I giggle. “Crazy, right? But now I’m onto the next stage, and I’m looking forward to it.”
Rae stares at me, brown eyes wide.