Page 10 of Two For The Win
“It’s really complicated,” she says in a vague voice. “I mean, don’t get me wrong because I adore James, Casey, and Brad. They’re incredibly gorgeous, wealthy, and generous, and seriously, a girl couldn’t ask for more. Except that’s the problem: I actuallydowant more.”
I squint at her.
“But more what, Xenia? More attention? More sex? More romance?”
She shakes her head, looking secretive.
“Just more,” my friend says in a vague tone. “I’ll tell you later. It’s kind of like what you described when you realized you wanted DP with two men. It’s a craving that starts like a low-level hum in your body at first. But it won’t go away, and as it crystallizes and grows in volume, thing begin to reach a fever pitch until you’re practically shaking in your skin. I knew that Brad, Casey, and James couldn’t help me get to the next level, and as a result, it was time to move on.”
I stare at Xenia, befuddled. I’ve met her exes a couple times, and again, they’re a woman’s dream come true. James, Brad, and Casey look like Henry Cavill times three, and are as rich as Midas too, so I just can’t understand why Xenia broke up with them. Then again, everyone has their reasons, and it’s impossible to truly understand someone else’s relationship. I suppose my buddy has a point, although I have no idea where she’s going to look next.
“Okay,” I say in a slow tone. “Well, it seems like we both have unmet needs.”
My friend nods, her blue gaze serious.
“We do. But at least you know your next steps! You should ask my brother if he’s open to a threesome with another man, and see what he says.” Then, the raven-haired beauty pauses. “But do you have a third man in mind? Or is he just a nameless, faceless being at the moment?”
I laugh lightly, trying to sound casual.
“Oh, totally nameless and faceless,” I fib lightly. “This is all theoretical so far, so I don’t have anyone particular in mind. But we’ll see.”
With that, my buddy and I sip our drinks and start complaining about work again. I swear, I need to get a new job because Apple Tots can be so trying sometimes! But even as we gab and gossip, my mind’s whirring because Idohave a third man in mind, and his name is Hunter Ward. He’s my gorgeous stepfather, and that’s why Xenia can’t know.
“Oof,” I grunt. “This thing is so fucking heavy. I can’t believe it’s a dollhouse because it feels like it’s made of solid rock.”
My girlfriend titters, shooting a sassy smile my way.
“Oh, I’m sure your big brawny arms can pick it up,” Rae coos. “After all, that’s why you work out at the gym, right? To help your girlfriend move heavy objects when she needs it.”
I mock-glower at the feisty brunette while lifting the dollhouse into my arms, staggering a bit under its weight.
“Yeah, but shit, this thing weighs a fuck ton. You’re going to owe me after this,” I growl menacingly. “You’re going to beg me for what only I can give.”
Rae merely giggles again, flipping her curly brown hair back.
“I’ll be more than happy to pay you using whatever I have,” she purrs, pulling down her top to let one big breast pop out. The orb is luscious and creamy, and she twirls one finger over the hard pink nipple, smiling at me the entire time. “I’ll even let you do whatever you want,” she insinuates. “No holds barred, big boy.”
I have half a mind to drop this fucking dollhouse right now before latching onto that sweet teat with my mouth. But seeing that I already have the load in my arms, I might as well get this task over with. Still staggering, I make it over to the hallway and then dump the fucking thing on a trolley before coming back into my girlfriend’s bedroom and shutting the door with a firm snick.
“How much do you think you’ll get for that thing?” I growl. “It better be a lot because I probably just threw my back out moving it for you.” Rae’s pulled her other breast out now, and jiggles the creamy white flesh enticingly at me.
“I told you, Trig. There was an old guy on-line who bought it for two thousand dollars. Pretty good, hmm? I wasn’t expecting more than five hundred, but evidently a four-foot-tall dollhouse is a treasured item to some, and this guy wanted to add it to his collection.”
I grimace for a moment.
“Are you serious? There are men who collect dollhouses?”
My beautiful girlfriend leans back, pulling her skirt up while placing her feet flat on the edge of her bed. Her sopping cunt is visible now, and she twiddles the lips of her pussy before pulling them open, showing me her gleaming, ruby red insides.
“Oh yeah. Men are into everything these days, including dollhouses. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that this guy collects dolls themselves too!”
I’m only sort of listening to Rae’s words, but it really doesn’t matter because I’m on her in a second. There’s no sense in resisting the sexy vixen who’s my girlfriend. After all, she’s built exactly how I like them: curvy, smooth skin, with a feisty personality and a dirty way about her that make my dick spurt. Even better, my woman likes getting DP’d and it’s something that we’ve been exploring recently. As I suckle her teats, I simultaneously fumble in my backpack and then pull out a small brown box.
“Umm, what is that?” Rae asks in a giggly tone. “Did you bring me a gift?”