Page 53 of Yours Since Nineteen
“What?” I said, puzzled.
“You need to talk to the man. Figure out what’s going on with the two of you.”
“You just said that it was important for him to meet you guys,” I said, frustrated with all the last-minute changes. “Besides, I already gave him the address to meet me here. How will I explain that we’re now uninvited?”
“Fine. But I’m kicking the two of you out early. MaKayla can sleep and you two can talk.”
“That’s fair. And when did you get so difficult? Oh wait. You were difficult when I met you the first time,” I joked.
“Oh, you mean because we kept you in the dark about who I really was.”
“Yes. I’m just glad Declan isn’t doing that,” I said.
“And how do you know?” he asked. “I mean I offered to look into him for you, but you said no.”
“Exactly. That’s not what I want for our relationship. I trust him completely,” I said.
Damien shook his head. “I hope you’re not wrong about this guy.”
All I had to go on was what my gut was telling me. But he was the one for me, always had been. Not sure what that meant for our talk tonight, but I had to tell him. If he didn’t want a commitment, then we should part ways, and not see each other again. I’d been alone long enough. I wanted to be so important to someone else that they can't imagine life without me.
I can't imagine life without him.
I looked at Damien and said, “I thought we were supposed to be setting the table?”
“Oh yeah. Guess we better get on that before she wakes up,” he said.
“Let me do it,” I offered. “You can sit here and think about telling your wife you want to move out of the city.”
“I’d rather set the table,” he grumbled but didn’t get up.
An hour later MaKayla was up and looking rested. It was just in time because Declan had texted me that he was on his way up to the apartment. I hadn’t been nervous before, or at least not this nervous. Now I had no idea what to expect. MaKayla could start crying over any little thing, and Damien might try acting the role of protector. That should go over great because Declan wanted that role.
If they only knew, I was the protector in the family.
My dad had given me good advice. He asked me to show up with two bouquets of flowers, one for Venus and one for MaKayla. They both seemed to have liked them. It was a good icebreaker, and I wanted to make a good first impression. MaKayla was everything to Venus and Venus was everything to me.
I spent the entire dinner watching my tone, and what I said. A few times I wanted to tell them that what they were asking was none of their business, but I didn’t. I answered as honestly as I could without sharing anything too personal about my and Venus’s relationship.
It was time for us to go, and I was stuck there watching Venus and MaKayla say goodbye. It was funny. They hugged several times, then started talking again, only to start the goodbyes all over again. If it continued, we’d still be here in the morning.
I looked to Damien for help. He shrugged.Thanks man.Reaching out for Venus’s hand I said, “We really enjoyed ourselves, but I have to leave and want to make sure your mother makes it back to her hotel safely.”
After one last round of hugs, and finally we were out of there and on the street below.
“Sorry. I know that was a lot longer than you thought,” she said.
It definitely wasn’t how I envisioned us seeing each other again for the first time, but I didn’t care. I was with Venus. She really wanted me to meet her family. They were more than welcoming, and I got the feeling I may have been discussed before I arrived. Expected. My family would do the same if they met Venus. Which was something I wanted to talk to her about too, tonight.
“Did you want to go get a drink before heading to your hotel?” I asked.
She looked around and then shook her head. “Even this late the streets are so busy. I won’t be able to hear anything you’re saying.”
I reached out and took her hand in mine. “There’s a lot I want to talk to you about.”