Page 43 of Yours Since Nineteen
Heading into her room, I kicked the door closing it behind me. I let Venus slip from my arms and once her feet were on the floor, she took control again. Pulling my hand, she led me to the bed. She kissed me, and while our lips were connected, she pushed me hard, so I fell backward onto the bed.
I laughed. “I thought you said you wanted me to kiss you everywhere.”
“That hasn’t changed,” she said. “Can’t you do that from down there?”
She crawled up onto me and I ran my hands up her thighs. “That I can.” I urged her higher until she straddled my chest. “Sweetheart, come. Let me kiss you. Taste you. Let me please you.”
Cupping her ass, I urged her to move even higher. When she straddled my face, I inhaled her sweet scent before kissing her intimately. The more my tongue stroked her clit, the more her moans echoed throughout the room.
“Declan, I... Oh, yes. It...feels so...good. I...I...”
Holding her to me, I buried my face into her, my tongue darting in and out of her then sucking her clit again.
She cried out. “Please. I...oh...I....”
Her legs tensed, then trembled and I knew her body was about to come. Sucking her hard, I sent her over the edge. Her moans mixed with her cries of pleasure as the waves consumed her.
Before her body settled, I grabbed hold of her and rolled her onto her back. My mouth was still positioned between her legs. I kissed her again, and then I took a finger and slipped it inside of her. She moaned again at the invasion.
She was so hot and wet. I fucked her with my finger, in and out, faster and fast until she gripped the sheets, her head thrashing from side to side as she came again.
Now she was ready for me. I climbed up on her and then stopped. I’d forgotten I didn’t have a condom. “Venus, I...don’t have any protection.”
“I...I can’t get pregnant.”
Normally I wouldn’t take a woman's word for such a thing. I knew too many men who learned the hard way. But what was the worst thing that could happen? Venus got pregnant and we had a child together? Granted, not the smartest thing to do when you’re forty-five. It would come with a high risk. But she wouldn’t lie to me any more as I would her.
“A first for everything,” I said, adjusting myself between her legs. She opened wider for me, welcoming me to all she had to offer.
Although I knew she was ready for me, I hadn’t forgotten that this technically was her first time. She might be eager and willing, but even with my finger, I could tell how tight she was.
“Venus, you have to tell me if I’m hurting you, okay?” I spoke gently to her. She nodded. Slowly, I eased my cock inside of her. I’d never had skin-to-skin contact like this.I don’t ever want to wear a condom again. This is fucking amazing.
She closed her eyes as she adjusted to my size. When I knew she was okay, I started to move, in and out, slowly and gently going deeper until her hips started to meet mine. I let her set the pace, which didn’t remain slow for long. Her body began demanding more, and I eagerly delivered.
Fast and hard, I fucked her. Grabbing her hips, I pulled her closer to me. Her hands gripped my forearms and her nails dug in as I brought her closer to a release.
“Sweetheart, you feel so good,” I growled, fighting to maintain control. I didn’t want to come before she did again.
“Declan, please. I want to...” she pleaded.
“Yes. Come. I can’t hold back much longer. I...I’m going to...” I thrust into her hard and felt her body jerk and then she clenched tightly around my cock as she came.
No longer able to hold back, with one last plunge, my own release took over. Arching my back, I thrust deeper into her. My mind went blank and the only sounds I could hear were our cries of pleasure.
Collapsing on the bed beside her, I could barely catch my breath. I wasn’t out of shape, but damn, I was spent. I had intended to show her how I felt, yet, she ended up giving to me just as much as I gave to her. I shouldn’t have expected anything less.
Always surprising me.
Venus rolled over, threw a leg and arm onto me, and said, “Not the same as what it would feel like under the stars on the sailboat, but wow, this would be hard to beat.”
I kissed her on the top of her head. “Give me a half hour, and I’ll try.”
She giggled. “Make it an hour. I might need a nap first.” She sighed, then added, “And an ice cream.”
I laughed. “Do you really want me to leave you here and get ice cream?”
She held me tightly. “No. Not yet. Maybe later,” she yawned.