Page 20 of Yours Since Nineteen
I smiled.That’s the man I remember. The one always trying to make things easier for me.“No. Not now. They can wait for later.”
Draven blurted, “He’s coming back here tonight?”
I could see that wasn’t going to go over very well if I said yes. It wasn’t jealousy, but instead, out of duty and concern. Both unwarranted. At least not any longer. Declan was here. If anyone was out to hurt me, I knew I’d be safe with him. “I meant thatIwould be doing them tonight.”
Draven continued eyeing Declan. It was as though he was trying to warn him not to get too close. Declan didn’t seem phased by it at all.Last night I was feeling alone. Now my cottage is a bit too crowded. Gotta love life.
"I could also surf later,” Draven said.
“No. You’re going surfing, and Declan and I are going to do our shopping. And then, I’m coming home and enjoying a quiet night alone,” I stated firmly, making sure they both understood I was in control.
There was a curl on Declan’s lips that didn’t go unnoticed, but I ignored it for now. We all headed to my car. It wasn’t long before we arrived at the resort and dropped Draven off. But as he got out of the car, Alex Henderson approached. He didn’t look pleased at all.
Great. Another person to lecture me. Maybe hiding in Halifax wasn’t so bad. No one told me what I could or couldn’t do.
“Hello Venus. Nice seeing you again. Just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“I’m fine, thank you. Just off to do a little bit of shopping,” I said.
He looked at Declan and then back to me. “Our guests are not supposed to leave the premises without being escorted by New Hope staff.”
What he meant was security. Tabiq had come a long way, but there were still those who could prey upon a tourist. It was a valid concern, but things had changed in Tabiq. Families walked the streets in the town at night now. That had been unheard of when I was growing up. If I felt comfortable there alone, then I think Declan was fine going with me.
“He’s not alone. I’m taking him,” I said.
Alex said, “It’s been a long time since you’ve been home. You might want an escort as well.”
He wasn’t going to get me to change my mind. I won’t tolerate it from Draven and not from Alex. “I have one. Declan is my escort. He’ll watch out for me, and I’ll watch out for him. Now if you’ll excuse us, I want to get there before the shops close.”
It might be rude, but I pressed the button to roll my window up and I drove away. Not the way to make friends, but I wasn't here to do so. Tabiq was my homeland and always would be, but it is not my home.
Once we passed through the gate, Declan said, “I see you don’t need any protection.”
I looked over briefly and saw him smiling. Gripping the steering wheel I replied, “I’ve taken care of myself for many years now. If I hadn’t been forced into that situation, who knows, maybe I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing, because I’m stubborn and outspoken. But I’m no one’s doormat.”
“Nothing wrong with knowing what you want and voicing it.”
“Not everyone thinks so. I’ve...pissed a few people off. I’m sure Alex wasn’t thrilled just now.”And I don’t care.
“No, he wasn’t. But I’m sure that was directed at me, and not you. I was given strict instructions as to the rules of the resort, and I’ve broken them on my first day here. Wouldn't be surprised if he asked me to leave when I return tonight.”
I quickly looked to see if he was joking, but there was no hint of humor in his expression. “He can’t ask you to leave. You’re a paying guest.”
“Exactly. And when you come to the resort, you must sign an agreement saying you will abide by the rules.”
“So why did you break them?” I asked, puzzled.
“Because you invited me to dinner and I wanted to spend time with you,” he replied, sounding sincere.
I had only done so because I couldn’t think of anything else to say when Draven had come back to the bar. Spending time with Declan was something I was looking forward to, but not with Draven listening to every word we said. It was almost as bad as having MaKayla in the room. Hopefully with Draven surfing, Declan and I could talk.
“I wanted to spend time with you as well.” Stopping at the intersection, I looked towards the left. That would take us to the shops. The right turn would take us high onto a scenic route that overlooked the bluffs. “Did you really need to purchase supplies or were you just saying that for Draven’s benefit?”
He said he liked the fact I had my own voice. Now I was going to see how true that was.
“I prefer Draven not to be in my personal business. To answer your questions, there is nothing I need in town. I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to turn around and drop me back at the resort, though,” he said.
“No. I want us to talk, and there is a place where we can do so with a view. That is if you don’t mind.”A place where we can look out at the ocean instead of staring at each other.