Page 63 of When We Were Eighteen
Damien said, “Your daughter is right. Steven and Aiza want you to come too. Family is everything to them, and you are their family.”
Mom started to cry and pulled me into her arms. “I love you my MaKayla. Thank you for forgiving me for everything.”
“I love you too, Mom. And there is nothing to forgive. Everything you did was out of love, and I appreciate you even more for it.” As we sat on the couch hugging, I heard the smoke detector going off. “Oh damn. Dinner.”
I dashed into the kitchen and opened the oven door. The salmon wasn’t a beautiful pink. It was blackened. The smoke filled the kitchen and I opened the window to let it out. Mom and Damien were standing there watching me.
Damien smiled and said, “Guess we could always go out for hot dogs.”
Mom and I replied in unison. “No!”
He laughed. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. How about a pizza?” he suggested.
I nodded. “Now you’re talking. Let me get my purse. And maybe when we get back, the house won’t smell like old fish.”
Mom said, “You two go and enjoy your date. I should head home.”
Damine shook his head. “You’re coming with us.”
“Why?” she asked.
“So the two of you explain your disdain for hot dogs. I mean, you cannot go to a baseball game and not have one,” he said.
Mom smiled. “We watch hockey.”
Damien rolled his eyes. “Figures.
This might not be the romantic dinner I had planned, but nothing could be better than the secrets being revealed andyet all of us are still...happy. If anything, I’m happier than I’d been in a long time. From my mother’s face, so was she.
Thank you, Damien. You have given me more than I ever thought. My past, my present and maybe a future. I just hope it includes you.
I could see how nervous MaKayla was. Venus wasn’t doing any better. There was nothing I could say that would ease their minds. It was a big day for them. Venus back in Tabiq after twenty-four years, and MaKayla getting to meet her uncle Steven.
There was still so much she didn’t know, stuff Venus didn’t know either. But I wasn’t sure if I’d ever tell them. There was no need to make them aware of their relationship with the Hendersons. No need to explain what the Hendersons were really doing here. It was best to focus on the positive and let the rest slip in the background. Some truths weren’t worth knowing.
Bennett leaned over to me and said, “I saw Steven earlier and he has the same look as they do. A big emotional day for them all.”
“Sure in hell is.” I looked at my watch and they were a few minutes late. “Hope he hasn’t changed his mind.”
Bennett shook his head. “More likely changing a diaper. You’ll learn when you have your own kids that they like to surprise you with one hell of a mess when you have someplace important to be.”
I knew what he was doing. Trying to get me to think about my relationship with MaKayla. That all came to an abrupt stop the moment I confronted Venus with everything I’d learnt. And if I had any doubt about that, the fact that I was standing back here with Bennett, who was acting as security, said it all. They had enough going on. There was no reason to distract them from what was important. They had each other. That’s all that mattered. That’s all they needed.
“I hope Steven gets here soon, because MaKayla is getting anxious.”
“Then go and reassure her,” Bennett said.
That wasn’t a bad idea. But before I could, the door opened and Steven and Aiza walked in. He was carrying their daughter Christina in his arms. I didn’t need to hear what was being said. The hugs and tears being exchanged said it all.
Bennett and I stood there watching the exchange. He said, “Looks like they are one happy family. You did good, Damien.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. I slept with the client, fell in love with her, and almost broke her heart. Didn’t sound like I was doing good at all.
“I would say it was a team effort. And if I didn’t find the connection, I have a feeling Venus would have eventually told MaKayla the truth. I could tell, it was eating at her not to.”