Page 6 of When We Were Eighteen
Or maybe I’m just looking for a reason to agree to do this because I sure in hell have no idea why I said yes.
“How about we go and see the Empire State Building?” mom asked.
I wanted to say yes. Seeing the sights was my excuse for coming to New York. How was I going to her no, that I couldn’t? The meeting with Mr. Blaze was going to take place today. It might be possible to see the Empire State Building and still make the meeting, but mom was going to insist we go out for lunch and then do some shopping. All very understandable and what I really should be doing on this vacation.
What the heck am I supposed to do?
Mom looked so excited about having an outing with me today that no matter how much this meeting meant to me, I couldn’t disappoint her. She’d given me everything a daughter could ask for. Well, almost. I wish she’d just tell me who my father was. Then I wouldn’t need to sneak around and hide this from her.
“I...I’d love to see the Empire State Building. It’s a little cloudy today. Do you think tomorrow might be better?” I asked, hoping she would agree.
“I looked at the weather and it’s going to be cloudy all week. Tomorrow, they said we might even see a bit of rain. Maybe we can stay inside tomorrow and spend some time utilizing the indoor pool,” she suggested.
There was a part of that plan that worked for me. Smiling, I said, “Sounds good, Mom.”
“Wonderful. I better go and get ready. These shoes are not right for walking the streets of New York for a whole day. My feet will be blistered before lunchtime.”
“Good idea. I think I’m going to go and change clothes myself,” I said before leaving the common living room and heading to my bedroom.
Once inside I pulled out my cell phone and started to type an apology email to Mr. Blaze. The words weren’t flowing and really only gave him the opportunity to delete it and ignore my request to reschedule. There had been a phone number at the bottom of his email. I wasn’t sure if it was his cell phone or his office number. Either way, I hoped I didn’t get voice mail.That might end up with the same outcome as an email.
Dialing the number, I listened as it rang. One. Two. Three.Damn it. My heart sank anticipating the instructions to leave a message. But it didn’t. Nothing. I looked at my phone and it said,call ended.That was weird. How can it end, when it never started?
Calling him right back might look like I was being pushy and trying to avoid getting voicemail. That left resorting back to the email. At least I’d know once he received it, even if he didn’t reply.
I plopped down on the bed with my phone still in my hand. It began to ring, and I looked at the number. It was Mr. Blaze, or at least his office.
“Hello, this is MaKayla Prada.”
“Hello, this is Damien Blaze. I’m sorry, but I dropped my phone when I went to answer your call. Are you in need of directions for our meeting?” he asked.
I’m in need of understanding.“No. I have that, thank you. But...I was calling to request you to reschedule the meeting. I know you stated you had no other time available, but I can’t make it today. I’ll take any other time you have.”
“Today is all I have,” he replied. “I...”
“Please, Mr. Blaze,” I pleaded. “You don’t know what this means to me. I...I have been searching for so long. I know there is something about my family that I need to know. My mother won’t tell me. She said that they are evil people. They might be, but I need to know who they are. WhoIam.”
I was speaking so fast that I wasn’t sure if I was even making my point, but I had been so afraid he’d hang up and not let me finish.
“Ms. Prada, I was going to say I could meet with you later this evening. I have time at nine.”
There was nothing wise about meeting a strange man at night, but I knew if I didn’t accept this time, then it was over. He wasn’t giving me another chance.
“Yes. I can meet you at that time. I’ll be at your office at nine sharp,” I said.
“I’d prefer to meet you someplace else. More public, yet still private. I’ll email you the details.”
“Thank you so much for this,” I stated.
“Don’t thank me yet. I haven’t agreed to take you on as a client. This is an informational meeting only,” he clarified.
It was more than I had before. “I understand.”
Ending the call, I quickly changed my clothes and went out into the living room to meet my mother.