Page 58 of When We Were Eighteen
MaKayla nodded and then asked, “Is that why you and Draven went to Tabiq? To confirm that?”
“It is. But we were not able to find anyone who remembered her.” She looked heartbroken hearing that. I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. “Don’t worry, mon amour. We will find your Tabiqian family.”
She lifted her head up to look into my eyes. “And my father’s?” she asked.
Why do you do this to me?Did she know the pain it caused me to lie to her?
“One step at a time.”
“Okay, she said. But once we do, I want to go to Tabiq and meet them. I want to know why they never looked for us. I want to know what they did to my mother to make her want to stay away from them for so long,” she stated.
Oh MaKayla. The things you’re going to learn will change you for the rest of your life. I wish I could protect you from the truth, but all I can do is delay it.
Changing the subject I said, “I believe someone promised me coffee.”
She smiled. “And I thought you said we would shower together this morning.”
I tugged the sheet away from her and scooped her into my arms. “You’re right. Coffee can wait. I want breakfast first.”
My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I ignored it. Bennett would need to wait too. Right now, all I wanted was to keep that beautiful smile on MaKayla’s face.
Even several hours later, MaKayla didn’t seem to want to go anywhere. I’d even offered to take her out to lunch. But her eyes told me she was exhausted, and eventually I convinced her to rest while I went back to my hotel to get some work done.
When I arrived, Bennett was there waiting for me. “I didn’t think you were going to show up,” he said.
“It was difficult getting away. Come in, and let’s talk,” I said.
Bennett came inside but didn’t sit. He stood there, arms crossed. “I know Dean said I could share information with you, but I can tell you, I don’t like it. You’ve been doing a lot of digging into the family, and I’m not sure why.”
I wanted to tell him it was none of his fucking business, but playing hardball was not going to get me what I needed. Answers.
“That’s fair. But there was a reason. My client is looking for her family. I stumbled across something that struck me as odd.”
“And what is that?” he asked.
“Her mother’s DNA came back with a match.”
“What does that have to do with the Hendersons?” he questioned.
“Apparently one of the Hendersons is a distant relative to her mother. Not all Hendersons, just one. I’m sure I don’t need to explain how that happened,” I said.
“No. It’s not something the family is proud of. Their father was a cruel bastard. We can look into the connection between them later. It’s hard enough to track siblings,” he stated.
“So you are aware that there are more than six?” I asked. He nodded. “Fucked up.”
“Can’t argue with you there. But the family is close and very protective of their privacy. They do not want any of this to become public. The world does not know what their father had done.”
“I’m not out to share it. But I know he is not the only man who did so.”
“You’re referring to Morse?” he asked.
“Yes. What do you know about Michael Morse?” I questioned.
“I never met him. His brother Steven came to Tabiq more than a year ago. I wasn’t thrilled with having him there. I knew of the family's history, and wasn’t about to let it replay itself.”
“Was he there to...bring harm?” I didn’t want to say purchase a woman. We both knew what I meant.