Page 53 of When We Were Eighteen
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I ordered it just for you,” he grinned.
I snickered and replied, “Very thoughtful. Should I assume you ordered the moon and the stars as well?”
“Of course. I wanted this to be a night we won’t forget,” he said.
I wouldn’t forget it even if we were sitting on the couch eating leftover pizza.
“Damien, you have been unforgettable since the moment I met you.”Haunted my thoughts day and night.
He leaned over and kissed me so tenderly that my knees wobbled, and I had to cling to his jacket for support. When he broke the sweetest contact I’d ever experienced, it was only to look down into my eyes.
“Why don’t we finish this after dinner,” he suggested.
I didn’t know about him, but I sure in heck wasn’t thinking about food any longer. I was enjoying where this was going. But I could see that he was trying to take things slow. Maybe he felt the passion building just like I did. Maybe he didn’t want to have sex with me. And if that was the case, he really needed to stop putting those tasty lips on mine, because he was igniting a fire within me that I didn’t want extinguished.
He held my hand as we walked to the table. It was perfect timing because our dinner was being set up.
“Tonight, you have a stuffed lobster tail with steamed vegetables. There are also sea scallops wrapped in maple-cured bacon. Is there anything else I can get you?” the steward asked.
We shook our heads, and she headed back inside.
“I really can’t believe you did all this. I mean, you just asked me out last night. When did you have time?” I asked.
“Who said that I only planned it last night?”
“You mean you planned all this without checking whether I would agree to go out with you?” He nodded and I said, “That’s pretty arrogant of you.”
“I prefer to think of myself as confident. You might not have said the words, but I believe you like me.”
He was putting this back on me. “I like a lot of people.”Back at you, Damien.
Damien reached across the table and stroked my hand. “I would like to think that I’m not a lot of people. I know you are someone special to me.”
I wanted to hear these words, but I needed to ask something first and I was afraid that it would ruin the mood of the night. But there was no going forward until I had the answer.
“Damien, you and I have gotten really good at pretending to be a...couple. I need to know if that is what this is all about. Are we just getting caught up in the role?” My heart said no, but I wasn’t sure about his.
“MaKayla, I never had to kiss you. None of those kisses were for anyone’s benefit except for mine. And the times that we are sitting around talking about our lives, it’s only because I really want to get to know you. Not one of these things, mon amour, has anything to do with the job you hired me for.”
He never took his eyes off me the entire time he spoke. There was no doubt remaining as to what this was. It was real, and so were the feelings that I was developing for him. If I wasn’t careful, I’d find myself falling in love with him. But he would never fit in my life. Mom might forgive me for hiring him, but she wasn’t ever going to accept Damien. Not once she knew what he did for a living.
I will deal with all that when it comes to fruition. Right now, I just wanted to enjoy every second of this time we had together.
Reaching across the table, I took his other hand in mine. “I’m glad, Damien, because I really...enjoy our time together.”
I wanted to tell him that I didn’t want tonight to end and invite him back to my place. But we would see what the night brought. I wasn’t one to initiate taking things to the next level.However much I want to.
I wasn’t sure we ate as much as we talked and laughed. “I can’t picture you being shy in school. You’re so...”
“Outspoken?” I added.
“There is nothing wrong with a woman who is not afraid to use her voice. The only problem is when people are too ignorant to listen,” he said.
Damien was full of surprises. Many of my dates would accuse me of talking too much. That was because they had nothing intelligent to say. It was a nice change being out with someone I was compatible with.Someone who cares what I have to say.
I didn’t want the night to become too serious. What I wanted was to learn more about him. “What made you choose this career?” I asked.
“My desire to help those who felt as though they had no place else to turn. There are more people in that situation than you’d believe.”