Page 46 of When We Were Eighteen
Who doesn’t? He’s perfect.
The doors were locked, and everyone was gone, including my mother. I could finally relax. Although I wouldn’t mind a few more of the wonderful kisses Damien gave me, there was no one here to witness our pretend relationship, so no kissing was going to commence.
“I really can’t thank you enough for stepping in today. And for going and getting me a change of clothes.”
“No thanks needed. Are you ready to get out of here and go home?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I thought we should talk.”
“We can do that at your house, can’t we?” he suggested.
But once we are home, I wouldn’t want to talk. I’ll want to kiss you and want you to touch me. And the wants just keep adding up until I can’t think anymore.
I pulled out a chair at one of the tables and sat down. “This is fine.”
He looked reluctant to sit but finally did. “What’s on your mind?” he asked.
“We never talked about you showing up at my mother's a day before you were supposed to be here.”
“I thought we had. Or maybe all that kissing in front of your mother’s house made you forget,” he grinned.
I haven’t forgotten any kiss or touch from you. The rest is a blur.
The way he was looking at me wasn’t helping me to stay focused right now either. It was as though he was intentionally flirting with me. I liked it, but it all only confused me even more.
“I know what she said, but I’ve been thinking about it. It doesn’t make any sense. Why would you go and talk to her, without letting me know? It easily could’ve backfired. I mean, just a couple of days ago she...she thought you were cheating on me.”
“I know. She told me. Actually, she saidyouthought I was cheating on you,” he stated.
“She told you about that?” I said, surprised and a bit angry. If Damien was my boyfriend, she was butting in where she shouldn’t. Her comments could’ve cost me my relationship. My fake relationship.
“Your mother was very talkative yesterday. Mostly wanted to ensure that I wasn’t an asshole and wouldn’t break your heart.”
Too late for that. I’m falling for you and breaking my own heart.
“None of that would’ve been an issue if you hadn’t stopped in,” I reminded him.
“It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I know she hasn’t been very approving of our relationship...”
“Fake relationship,” I corrected him and hated doing so.
“Yes. Fake relationship. I thought it would be easier if she was more accepting. After our chat, she seemed more comfortable with me. No longer worried that I’m cheating on you,” he said.
“I still can’t believe she asked you,” I said.
“Your mother is tough,” he said.
“I know.” It was a good thing growing up because she taught me how to be strong and independent. But now as adults, we butted heads more often.
“She loves you. It’s evident with how she speaks about you and how protective she is. I swear she’ll have my hide if I hurt you,” he stated.
But you are hurting me. You’re making me want this to be real, want this to last forever, and it’s not going to.
“Is that everything?” There was a piece of me that felt as though there was more. He was hiding something. Is it from me or from my mother?
“That’s everything for now,” he replied.
“Okay. But no more surprises. I don’t like surprises,” I said honestly.