Page 43 of When We Were Eighteen
I hoped not, but I had received a text message from Brian right before I knocked on Venus’s door. My gut said it wasn’t good news.
Getting up from the table I handed her my business card with my cell phone number on it. “If you need me, call. Doesn’t matter what time.”
She nodded and walked me to the door. As she opened it, we both stopped in our tracks.What are you doing here?
MaKayla looked as stunned as we were. “Damien. I thought you were arriving tomorrow.”
“I was able to catch an earlier flight and wanted to surprise you,” I said.
“Oh, I’m surprised. Mostly to find you at my mother's house. What is going on?” she asked, looking from me to her mother and back again.
Venus chimed in before I could. “Damien stopped in to make his intentions known.”
“What?” she wrinkled her cute nose, puzzled.
I couldn’t wait to hear what lie Venus was going to weave this time, but now it involved me. If she went too far, I’d correct her right in front of MaKayla.
“He wanted to let me know he was serious about you and that he would be staying in Halifax for a while. He wanted to make sure I was okay with him dating you. What a gentleman, do you think?” Venus said.
MaKayla looked at me. “Is this true? You're moving to Halifax?”
Nodding I replied, “I’m ready for a change from New York. And as your mother said, I want to be close to you.”
I reached out and took her hand in mine. “I hope you’re not upset.”
“No. Not at all. Just...surprised.”
You and I both.I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “What do you say we all go out for breakfast?”
“I can’t go. I’m not even dressed yet. You two run along. I’ll see you both later,” Venus said, half ushering us out the door.
MaKayla said, “Mom, don’t you want to know why I stopped by?”
Venus said, “You can tell me later. Right now, I want to go and get ready for the day.”
She shut the door leaving us on the stoop. MaKayla whispered, “What the hell was that all about?”
I smiled down at her. “She told you. I’m staying in Halifax for a while.”
“And you decided to tell my mother before me?” she questioned.
Taking her hand in mine I walked her to her car. “Yes. I want your mother to like me.”
“So that we can spend time together without her not questioning my intentions. It took some convincing, but I think she’s okay with us dating now.”
“But we’re not dating,” she reminded me.
I leaned over and kissed her briefly. “We are now, sweetheart.”
MaKayla looked up at me and said, “I’m not a sweetheart type of girl.”
“Babe?” She shook her head. “Honey?” I tried again, same result. “Help a guy out here,” I pleaded.
“Mon amour.”
“What does that mean?” I asked.