Page 30 of When We Were Eighteen
“Yes, I am aware of that,” I said.
“Damien, it makes no sense for you to get a hotel room for just a couple of hours. Why...why don’t you stay with me at my house. I don’t have a spare room, but I have a comfortable couch I can offer you.”
“MaKayla, I can sleep in the car at the airport until it is time to check-in. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I know I don’t have to, but I do. You’ve been more than accommodating, the least I can do is the same. Besides, I make a damn good cup of coffee.”
“You don’t even drink coffee,” I reminded her.
“No. But most people who come to the restaurant do. So what do you say? Want to get a couple of good hours of sleep or wake up all cramped from sleeping in this?” she asked.
It was not wise to accept her offer, but I did anyway. “Thanks. The couch sounds perfect.”
When we arrived at her home, I carried our suitcases in.
“You’re welcome to use my shower if you’d like.”
“That would be great,” I replied.
“I’ll make the couch for you while you do. I’d offer to make you something to eat, but all I have is cereal and no milk.”
“I’m fine, honestly. The coffee is all I’ll need in the morning.”
I pulled out a change of clothes and headed in the direction of where she pointed the bathroom was. Unfortunately, I passed her bedroom on the way. It was open and I fought the urge to look inside. I wasn’t here to learn about MaKayla. And I definitely didn’t want to invade her privacy. I already knew everything I needed to know about her. She was strong, intelligent, and driven. Also funny, daring, and extremely beautiful. The entire time we’d been together, she’d never put on a stitch of makeup. I couldn’t believe she was single, didn’t even have a boyfriend.And why the hell does this make me happy?
I needed to stop thinking about her. At least not in a personal way. Her relationship status didn’t matter. This was business. Her asking me to stay here was just her being kind. It’s who she was. It meant nothing. And even if it did, she was hands off.She’s my client and I don’t mix business with pleasure.
And kissing you is my pleasure.
I could’ve gone for a cold shower because I really could use one, but MaKayla was right. I’d spent hours cramped in a car and my muscles needed some heat. There was also one particular muscle that needed some attention badly. Unfortunately, it looked like I was going to have to take matters into my own hands. If I wasn’t so sexually frustrated, I’d laugh at the pun.
I left the shower clean and a hell of a lot less frustrated than when I entered. But I knew once I saw MaKayla again, it would return. She has a physical effect on me like none other. All I had to do was go into the living room and go to sleep. In a few hours, I’d be heading to the airport. We might not even see each other in person again. Once I had all the information regarding her family, I could deliver that message on the phone.
When I entered the living room, I saw the couch made up with a blanket and a pillow. MaKayla had also showered and put on pajamas. She was fast asleep in the chair across from the couch. It would be so easy to pick her up and carry her to her bed. Some would say it was the gentleman's thing to do. But I knew that I would be playing with fire. Just one taste of those sweet lips had ignited a need within me and it still ached.
Walking over to the couch, I laid down and pulled the blanket over me. I tried closing my eyes, but no way was I going to sleep facing her. So I rolled over and faced the back of the couch. Sleep didn't come easy, but eventually I drifted off.
Now it’s just you and me in my dreams.
I’m a horrible host.The only thing Damien asked me for was coffee before he left for the airport, and what did I do? Slept the entire time he’d been here. I didn’t even wake up when he left. By the time I woke, Damien had already boarded the plane and was on his way back to the US.
I should’ve just let him go to the hotel by the airport. He’d at least have slept in a bed, and they usually serve breakfast there too.
There was nothing I could do about it now. It wasn’t like I said I’d take him to the airport and then didn’t. At least he made his flight, or I hope so. Since I hadn’t heard from him, I was going to assume that he did.
There was no point in feeling bad now. It’s not as though I had slept throughout the night on purpose. Besides, there was a chance he wouldn’t have enjoyed my coffee. I hear Americans like their coffee...weak.
I flopped down on the couch and looked at the neatly folded blanket next to me. Damien even took the time to clean up after himself. He was the perfect guest.Perfect. Yeah, I’d say that describes Damien. Thoughts like that weren’t helping any.
Leaning over, I rested my head on the folded blanket. As soon as my head sank into the pile, I inhaled, and his scent filled my nostrils. It was a mix of his natural manly scent and a cologne I wasn’t familiar with but had come to recognize as his. I’d heard of women using pheromone oils to attract the opposite sex. Maybe that’s what he’d been wearing because it sure in heck was working on me.
Although I was enjoying the aroma, it wasn’t all that I was missing. He wasn’t one who joked a lot, yet he had this sense of humor that kept you on your feet. Was he joking or had he meant it?Like when you invited us to vacation with you.
I sighed. I knew our little sightseeing adventure together was going to come to an end. It didn’t mean I couldn’t continue to cherish the memories of it. This feeling inside of me had nothing to do with coffee, yet it was just as simple. Even though I shouldn’t, I missed him more than I wanted to, and a lot more than I should. Damien was only interacting with me because he had to.