Page 16 of When We Were Eighteen
“You don’t have any class to teach today?” Venus asked.
“I had two early ones today, but nothing else,” I replied.
“Please, Mom. Come with us. It will be so much fun,” MaKayla begged.
Venus looked me over one more time, then finally nodded. “I’ll go but only because I’m not thrilled with my daughter running around New York with a stranger.”
I wouldn’t be either.
“I’m glad you're coming, Mom. But Damien isn’t a stranger.”
“I know. He was your professor,” she said, peering at me.
She didn’t trust me.Don’t worry Venus. The feelings are mutual.
I took them to a small family-owned restaurant I’d visited a few times. It had good food, but most of all, it wasn’t crowded. It would give us the time and the privacy needed for me to ask some questions. I started with questions that were non-threatening. But after an hour had passed, I decided to dig deeper and push for answers.
“I notice you have an accent. When did you move to Canada?” I asked.
Venus tensed and she looked very uncomfortable. “A very long time ago.”
That wasn’t much of an answer, so I tried a different avenue. “People used to ask me about my accent when I was teaching there. People thought I was from Europe instead of the US. I’m sure they have a difficult time guessing yours as well.”
“No one has ever mentioned it before,” she said.
“Let’s see if I can.”
“I’d rather not play that game.” She got up and said, “I’m sorry, MaKayla, but I have a headache and think we should go back to the hotel. I want to lie down for a while.”
“Of course, Mom. No problem. Damien, thank you for lunch. Maybe we can get together again tomorrow?” MaKayla asked.
“I’d like that. And I can bring you to do some sightseeing,” I replied.
Venus said, “I don’t think we can do that. My headaches can last a couple of days. I think we should go back home where I can rest.”
“We’ll be at the hotel soon, Mom.”
“I mean home. Canada. New York lights don't agree with me. We need to go home.”
Venus was running from my questions and taking MaKayla with her. There was no way in hell I was going to allow that. But without proof from the FBI, I had no grounds to stop them.
“I think your mother is right. Home might be better for her. And with such a terrible headache, she shouldn’t fly. I’d be more than happy to drive you both,” I offered.
MaKayla looked at her mother, then at me. “Thank you, Damien. I’d like that. I’ll call you later so we can make the arrangements.”
“Sounds good. Now let’s get your mom to the hotel. She really doesn’t look like she’s feeling very well.”I’m sure hiding is taking its toll.
If MaKayla had picked up on the timing of her mother’s so-called headache, she didn’t let it on. But since she had been so agreeable to my driving them, I had to assume she suspected something. Hopefully, Venus wouldn’t talk her out of it once they were alone.
“Mom, I know you don’t want to drive, but Damien is correct, it will be much easier on you than flying home. We can stop along the way so you can rest. And you won’t have to worry about the cabin pressure of a plane adding to your discomfort either,” I reminded her.
“No. I will just have to worry about Mr. Blaze asking too many questions,” she grumbled.
I bit my lip.You mean the same kind of questions I have been asking and you’ve been ignoring?Taking her side on this wasn’t an option. I was paying Damien a lot of money to get me the answers. I couldn’t complain that he was doing his job.