Page 13 of When We Were Eighteen
He nodded. “I understand but do not beat yourself up. You recall it happening. Let it be my job to find out why.”
“I didn’t hire you to analyze my memories,” I said.
“No, you didn’t. It might seem insignificant, when in fact it is the key to your past. You mentioned that your motherwon’ttell you, but I don’t need her to. I just need to know more about her.”
“How are you going to do that without meeting her?” I asked.
“That brings me to my next question,” he said.
“Now you have me scared,” I said.
He smiled. “It’s not that bad. Well, you might not like what I am about to suggest, but I think it will help expedite this process.”
I hesitated but also knew he was just doing his job. “What do you suggest?”
“That you introduced your former professor to your mother. Maybe the three of us can go out to dinner tonight,” he stated.
My heart raced. “I’m not sure this is a good idea. I mean, she knows I’m with you now, but like I said, she probably thinks you’re an old, retired professor, not a...a...”
“Thirty-five-year-old man.”
Extremely handsome thirty-five-year-old man, no matter what age you are.Heck, if he had been one of my professors, I never would’ve passed my class. All I’d have done was daydream about him.And those daydreams would’ve carried over to some spicy ones at night.
I felt my cheeks warm, and I turned my head so he hopefully couldn’t see. Searching inside my purse, I pretended to look for my phone. When I found it, I pulled up my calendar. “Let me check and see what we have planned.” I had nothing for our entire vacation because we had decided to play it based on the weather and our mood. No way was I about to tell Damien that. “Tonight isn’t good,” I lied.
“Tomorrow?” he asked. Before I replied he added, “And don’t worry. I can be a very convincing college professor.”
This was why I’d chosen to come to New York. I’d promised myself that I would do whatever it took. It was foolish of me to believe I could keep my mother out of it. She was involved, whether I wanted to admit it or not.She is my mother.
“We were planning on going to the theater tomorrow. Maybe you could join us for lunch instead?” I asked.
“That would work.”
There was a knock on his door and Dottie popped her head inside. “The lab is here.”
“Thank you, Dottie. Give me a minute, then show them in,” he instructed. Dottie closed the door and Damien said, “They are here to take your blood for me. I’ll be sending it off to a friend at the FBI. I’d also like to take your fingerprints and send them to him. Do you have any issue with doing either?”
I shook my head. “You asked me to trust you, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
Damien nodded. “And I promised to find your family, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
I didn’t doubt that, but I knew that nothing was going to be the same again once he did.
It was going to take a couple of more days before I got any answers from the blood work and fingerprints. I knew it was a good sign that MaKayla didn’t instantly appear on any missing person's report, however, if she was abducted as a young child or baby, there might not have been any DNA or fingerprints on file.
There was one thing that I did learn, and it was very concerning. Her mother, Venus Prada didn’t seem to have a past. The first record I could find on her was the birth certificate for MaKayla. But if Venus wasn’t really Venus, then it was possible that the birth certificate was fake too, and she wasn’t really MaKayla’s mother.
This lunch just became a hell of a lot more important. I had to somehow get myself invited to spend a lot more time with them. Either way, I couldn’t be with them 24/7. I had a team of people who usually helped me, but they had a different skillset than what I needed right now and there was no point in pulling them into this until I knew I needed them. They assisted in extractions, but MaKayla wasn’t being held prisoner. At least not in the conventional way.
Pulling out my phone, I dialed Draven’s number.
“You’re calling awful early.”
“It’s ten in the morning,” I said.