Page 11 of When We Were Eighteen
“No. I believe she is, but the question is, are they also looking for her? She’s twenty-five and knows nothing about either side of her family. Why would her mother keep her in the dark about everything unless there was a reason to?” I said, not expecting a response from Draven.
“Sounds like this is not an open and shut case for you. Glad I turned it over to you,” he said.
So am I.
“Do you want my help?” he offered.
“No. I have a team at my disposal if I need them.” I'd never worked a case with my brother, and didn’t plan on starting now. Not with something this complex. Especially with how beautiful MaKayla was. He’d spend his time flirting with her instead of solving the mystery of who she was. Changing the subject, I asked, “Did you send mother the flowers?”
He huffed. “I did and do you know what she said?”
“She said that they don’t count, and I have to make it up to her next year,” he said.
I laughed. “I’d start shopping now.”
“Oh don’t worry. I’ve set so many reminders that there is no way I’m ever going to forget her birthday,” he replied.
Loved my brother, but I knew no matter what he did, somehow, Draven still would forget. I was going to need to remind him just like I had to take the lead in planning an anniversary surprise for our parents. I’m not even sure he remembered his own birthday. What was normally considered a special occasion, didn’t seem to hold the same meaning for him. Probably because Draven had been so into playing football that almost every year he was at some competition on his birthday. The only thing he ever focused on was the win. If it wasn’t for him blowing out his knee, his last year in college, there was a good chance he was going pro. But that all changed in an instant. Before he could throw the ball, he got side tackled. Broke his leg, fucked up his knee and ended that career. That’s when he decided he was going to become a private investigator.
He was good at his job, and his clients seemed happy, but I can’t help it. I’m damn glad that MaKayla isn’t one of his clients.
You wouldn’t have a chance of finding who you are with Draven on the case.
No matter what, it wasn’t going to be easy, and I needed to come up with a plan.“I got to get to work.”
“Tonight? I’m sure she’s not expecting you to deliver this week,” he said.
“You can’t finish until you start,” I stated.
“There’s more to life than work, Damien.”
“Exactly. There’s the truth, and that’s what I'm after now. Have a good night, Draven.”
“You too. Good luck,” he said and ended the call.
Luck had nothing to do with it. If it did, then MaKayla wouldn’t need me. But until I had the email from MaKayla with all the information I needed, my hands were tied. Right now, all I had to go on was her face, name, and the fact she was from Canada. It was better than nothing, but I wanted a hell of a lot more than this.
I had been back in the office for more than an hour and still had no email from her. I’d done what I could with the information I had. Her name didn’t appear in any missing person database. I didn’t think it would. I have face recognition programs, but nothing like what the FBI has. I could reach out to my buddy Brian, but it was too soon for that. He’d want to know why, and I still had no facts, just a feeling. He wasn’t helping me just off what my gut said.
This was a waste of time. Getting up from my desk, I headed for my apartment. If I couldn’t work, I might as well try to get some sleep.
Even if she didn’t send me the information, if she changed her mind, I was taking on this case.
I need to know who you are too. But why do I?Is it just curiosity or was there something about MaKayla Prada that just drew me in?
“Mom, he was my favorite professor,” I said.
“Then why don’t I remember hearing his name before? You would think with a name like Mr. Blaze, it would sound familiar.”
“You meet so many people at the restaurant that there’s no way you can recall every name. I know I can’t,” I said.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” she asked.