Page 5 of Atlas (Iron Tzars MC)
“O-Okay.” She trembled in my arms. I kissed her once more before I finally turned my head to scowl at the other men.
“Don’t you motherfuckers have any fuckin’ thing better to do?” I poured as much menace as I could into my voice. I’d played the crazy hardass for months now. Fucked up more than one of them when they’d disrespected me. Most of them backed off when I used that tone of voice now, but the president -- Dutch -- couldn’t afford to show that kind of weakness. His assertiveness would give the others courage, and I couldn’t have that. Bellarose flinched, but burrowed closer to me, her body trembling heavily.
“Could ask you the same thing, Atlas.” Dutch scowled at me even as he eyed Bellarose. “Wha’cha got there? You know the rules. Share and share alike.”
Immediately, the boys got in their two cents’ worth.
“Yeah, I’d love to get my dick wet in that!”
“Looks like a hot little bitch. I want my turn.”
“Fresh meat always tastes good.”
Bellarose sounded like she tried to bite back a whimper, and her fingers bunched in my shirt, but she didn’t make a sound or move otherwise. I knew she had to be terrified. Hell, even I wasn’t at all comfortable with this, but I didn’t have a choice yet.
The others always backed up the president. It wasn’t so much a show of solidarity as it was to get their hands on the woman in my arms. Dutch grinned widely, thinking he had me.
“I don’t share, Dutch.” I ignored the byplay. The men had to be warned, but now wasn’t the time. Once we got back to the clubhouse, I’d have to beat a few motherfuckers, but not here or now. “Pretty sure we’ve got shit to do at home. At least, if you want the shipment you just ordered.” I kept it vague, knowing I’d get my point across while keeping Bellarose in the dark. Dutch would push the issue later, expecting an explanation for why she was on her way down a road where a secret meeting was being held. I’d have to figure that one out fast, because I had precious little time. If Dutch wasn’t satisfied with my answer, we’d both be fucked. I also needed time for me and Bellarose to get our stories straight. Which I didn’t have.
“Home we go, then,” he said, a sadistic smile on his face as he continued to eye Bellarose. I was getting ready to have a fight on my hands to keep the girl.
Dutch wasn’t the kind of man to take no for an answer with regard to anything in the club he wanted. Even the ol’ ladies weren’t out of bounds. I’d have to have some leverage to keep Bellarose, but I only had to buy us a few hours. Once I got back to my cabin, I could send out a signal to Wylde. He’d send back up, and I could maybe get Bellarose out right under the noses of the Soul Reapers. If it looked like Dutch was going to give me problems, I’d give the signal for my club to attack and we’d take what we had. But if I could force him into leaving Bellarose alone, I could finish this and save the lives of the women and children Dutch had just negotiated for at that meeting, and everyone else in the compound who didn’t want to be there.
While it was wrong to force Bellarose to stay with me, to keep her prisoner, it was even more wrong to give up on those people when I was so close to rescuing them. At least, that’s what I told myself. I had to keep a close eye on the risks versus the benefits on this one. Because I absolutely would not let Bellarose be collateral damage. And I wouldn’t put the fact that she was the first woman I’d ever met I could honestly say I needed for my own.
Chapter Two
I’d never been so scared in my life. Right up to the point where this man -- Drake? Atlas? -- kissed me. He didn’t start out aggressively, but rather it felt like he was coaxing me to participate. And Lord knew I really wanted to participate. If I hadn’t been so frightened, I would have enjoyed his kisses even more. Despite knowing there was immediate danger, Atlas didn’t overwhelm me. Until the bikes approaching us stopped and revved their engines before shutting them down. Then he kissed me hard, thrusting his tongue deep once before turning his body to shield me.
When he did, he let up a little bit, his kisses turning coaxing once more. Damn the man, but he was potent! Even knowing the danger, it was hard to concentrate. I wasn’t a virgin, but my sexual experience was limited for my age. I was twenty-five and had been with exactly one man. Never had I been kissed like this.