Page 35 of Atlas (Iron Tzars MC)
“Baby…” He scrubbed a hand over his face wearily. “Fine. Thirty minutes.” He glared at me. “Not a second more.”
“Alex…” Merrily sighed. “As long as she needs, Atlas. But we’ll check on you in ten minutes. If she wants to leave, I’m taking her out. If not, you’ll have until she calls a stop to it.”
I raised my chin in thanks to Merrily. Alexi scowled at me. “I didn’t agree to this.”
“No. You didn’t.” Merrily tugged him out of the room. “As her mother, I’m making an executive decision on this. She’s not all right, and he’s the only person who can help her understand their relationship.”
Alexi pointed his finger at me. “You only get one shot. After that, I make you disappear.”
“Understood. Sir.” And yeah. “Sir” was harder than “please.”
* * *
I’d only thought I’d been scared before. Sitting there with Atlas kneeling in front of me in my parent’s formal dining room was even worse. This was a man who could shatter me so easily. I wanted to tell him how much I’d missed him. How I needed him in so many ways. But I didn’t want to look like some girl with a teenage crush. It was so much more than that. At least, it was to me.
When the door to the dining room closed, Atlas pulled me to him, sitting me on his lap when he settled on the floor. The dam holding back my tears finally burst. I sobbed like my heart was breaking. And maybe it was. I’d experienced the most terrifying time of my life. At the same time, I’d experienced the most profound and beautiful pleasure I’d ever conceived of. How could I hate one and love the other when the terror made the pleasure possible?
“I’m sorry, Atlas. I’m sorry.”
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I’m sorry I didn’t make more of an effort to talk to you. But you’re dad’s right. I’m not nearly good enough for you.”
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Atlas!” I was still crying. Couldn’t seem to stop crying. “I can’t not have you in my life, but I can’t see you with another woman either.” I clung to Atlas, burying my face in his neck and inhaling deeply. I needed to take him into my soul so I could always have him.
“Honey, you never have to worry about seeing me with another woman. You’re all I want or need. Remember I told you we’d table the relationship discussion?” When I nodded, he smiled gently at me. “Well, it’s time to have it. Now tell me the truth. Do you want to see if we’re right for each other? Because I think you’re perfect for me.”
My tears, which had started to slow, overflowed once more. “Me too. I want you, Atlas.”
“You’re dad’s right about one thing. I’ll never be able to give you everything he can. I’ll never be able to give you everything you deserve. But I swear, I’ll love you and adore you for the rest of my life.”
“You can’t know that you’ll always love me. What if you grow to hate me?”
“Then you remind me why I love you. You smack me in the head. Or, better yet, go get your daddy. He’ll beat some sense into me.”
I couldn’t help the small laugh that burst from me. “Are you sure this is what you want? To try to make a life together?”
“It is, baby. I think I knew way before the first time I kissed you. I think you had me with how fierce you looked holding that tire iron.”
“There’s something else.” My heart was pounding now. I was really about to tell Atlas my secret.
“Tell me, baby.”
I took a breath. “Remember when you asked me if I was on birth control?”
He grinned immediately. “I do. You sayin’ I got one more claim on you? ’Cause, now that I know you’re carryin’ my kid, I’ll have to keep you close. Ain’t lettin’ you outta my sight, woman.”
“Do you promise, Atlas? Really promise?”
“Yeah, baby. I do. I swear I’ll always keep you close.”
When my mother knocked softly on the door and entered, Atlas still sat on the floor, holding me in his arms. He rocked back and forth, trying to soothe me.
“Atlas? Is she all right?” Merrily stood by the door, giving us privacy but keeping in clear sight of her daughter.
“She is. We both are. I need to talk with you and Alexi, ma’am. It concerns the two of us.”
“You’re delusional if you think there’s a ‘two of us.’ Bella is nothing to you.” Alexi pushed his way past his wife and into the room.
“Afraid you’re wrong, Alexi. I know you hate me and, like I said before, if I were in your position, I’d hate me too. But I will cherish her and protect her with everything in me for the rest of my life if you’ll give your consent for us to give this a go.”