Page 30 of Atlas (Iron Tzars MC)
Time meant nothing as I breathed through the pain and shock of what was happening. I fully expected Dutch would rape me in front of Atlas to torture him. I’d seen it before. One Alpha who’d bested another and wanted to flaunt the victory. With Atlas refusing to discuss sharing me with Dutch -- or any other member of this club -- Dutch would want to prove to Atlas he could and would take what he wanted.
So when a blanket fell over my body instead of Dutch’s vile hands, I flinched, pulling against my bonds. But I didn’t cry out. I kept my mouth shut and my fear firmly under control.
“I’ve got you, baby girl.” Was that… was that my father?
“Yeah, baby. I’m getting you out of here.”
“Atlas --”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.” It didn’t sound like Dad was particularly concerned about Atlas. In fact, he sounded like “taking care of him” meant he was going to hurt Atlas.
“Atlas!” I screamed for him. I needed to know where he was. If he was OK. “They had him tied up! Where is he?”
“Sting!” Dad looked over his shoulder, never slowing as he struggled to get the straps holding me to the stupid table loosened. “Get your man under control!”
“Atlas!” I sobbed out his name, my resolve finally slipping, knowing help had come.
An enraged roar answered my plea.
“Motherfuckin’ leather straps,” Dad muttered.
Finally, he got one of my arms free. Someone freed my head, and I raised up as far as I could. “Atlas!”
“You stay away from her, motherfucker!”
“Atlas, stop!”
“Get off me!”
I had no idea who surrounded me other than Alexi and Atlas, though I was pretty sure the one calling Atlas off was his president, Sting.
“Get him out of here before I fuckin’ kill him, Sting. Now!” My dad snapped the order like he expected to be obeyed.
“Alexi, now’s not the time.”
“The hell it isn’t! He kidnapped my daughter and took advantage of the situation he put her in!”
There were sounds of a struggle, and I was pretty sure everyone had forgotten about me. My hands were free, but my shoulders and ankles were still lashed down. I was helpless, and it was somehow worse than when I’d realized Dutch was going to brand me, because I couldn’t see Atlas.
There was a fight. I heard grunts and angry yells combined with the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. The sounds weren’t new, but they’d died down before. Now, it sounded like a whole new fight. Given everyone seemed to have forgotten about me, I figured it was Dad’s Shadow Demons fighting the Iron Tzars.
I took a deep, calming breath, trying to get myself back under control. No one was going to release me until they were good and ready. Seemed like they were too busy fighting each other to worry about me.
Somehow, I managed to wiggle under the strap holding down my upper back. The sweat coating my body eased the way slightly, but the fresh burn on my shoulder protested, the injured skin around the dead nerves nearly making me scream in pain. I held it in, just like I had earlier. Right now, the most important thing was getting to Atlas.
Once I’d wiggled under the strap, I was left with my ankles still lashed to the sides of the table. It took some doing, but I managed to push myself off the table to my feet, then sit down. I was naked as the day I was born in a room full of men. As I looked around, I saw several men lying on the floor, either dead or dying. All of them were Dutch’s men. Dutch himself was slumped against the wall, where Atlas pounded the living fuck out of him.
There were four men -- one of them my dad -- trying to pull him off Dutch. Atlas just continued to pound the bastard. Blood was everywhere.
“Atlas! Help me! Please!” I sobbed out my plea, hoping to get him to look at me. To see my distress and come to me. When he didn’t seem to hear me, I yelled louder. “Atlas! I need you! Now! Please! Please!”
This time, he turned his head to me, seeing me struggling to free my feet. Naked. On the floor.
Without a word, he shoved the men off him and stalked toward me. I was still fumbling with the strap on one leg when he freed the other and started on the one I was struggling with. The second it was off, I threw myself into his arms and burst into tears.
Atlas sat with me on the floor, one arm securely around me before he snagged the blanket that my father had draped over me and pulled it around me. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you. Need to get you to a doctor.”