Page 7 of Dear Mr. Dad Bod
"Madden Banks."
"Madden," she whispers.
"It's daddy to you, Olive."
Her bright smile has my cock stirring again. I groan, shaking my head. "Go to bed before I find a reason to keep you up way past your bedtime."
"Okay, daddy." She pauses. "I'll see you the day after tomorrow."
"I can't wait."
Chapter Four
"What did you do?"
I hold the phone away from my ear, grimacing as Kenzie's shriek rings clear across the locker room in the studio. It's way too early for her to be this worked up. Actually, it's way too early, period.
"So I guess this means you heard about last night?"
"Heard about last night?" she whisper-shouts. "Olive Ann Crosby, the entire freaking world has heard about last night. You're on the main page of Celebrity Teatime right now! Your snark page on Reddit is going crazy."
"Of course they are." Sooner or later, most influencers end up with a snark page. Mine appeared a few months ago. Yay for me. Not. Honestly, I don't even care. I'm tired of playing by the rules and keeping my mouth shut while everyone but me decides who I am. People hate me because I'm curvy and I dance. They hate me because I have eleven million followers. They hate what I say and how I dress and what I wear and what I don't say or don't wear. In short, they hate me because I have a dream and I went for it and it's working out well so far.
If they want to hate me for Madden too, so be it.
"They're convinced it's a publicity stunt."
"Of course they are." I hang my bag up inside my locker and put my phone on speaker before tying my hair up "What does everyone else think?"
"Um, that you two need to have babies like immediately. They're losing their minds over the fact that you two had that exchange publicly. They think it's hot. Everyone is talking about it. You've gained like two hundred thousand new followers."
"Good grief."
"I'm turning off your DMs, by the way," she says, sounding disgruntled. "If I see one more dick, I'm sending it to his mother."
"You saw his dick?" I snatch the phone out of my locker, my stomach falling into my shoes. Oh my god. Did we livestream our entire video chat?
"Mr. Dad Bod's? No. Just a bunch of random creeps."
"So you didn't see his dick?" I clarify, my heart still in my shoes.
"No," Kenzie draws the word out, sounding confused, and then she gasps. "Oh, holy crap! You saw his dick!"
"Maybe," I whisper, blushing bright red.
"I…you…I… I don't know what to say." For the first time in her life, my best friend is speechless. Wow. This day will go down in infamy. "Did he force you to look at it?" she growls. "Because I will hunt him down and stick my stiletto straight up his fine as–"
"Of course not," I cut in. "He was perfect, Kenzie. So freaking perfect." Filthy and sweet and so damn sexy. "He's gorgeous. He has these crazy blue eyes and silver hair. When he smiles, I just want to smile too."
"You really like him," Kenzie whispers.
"I…" I bite back the truth, afraid to admit it out loud. I don't just like him. I think I'm in love with him. I have been for months. I didn't need to see his face to fall. I've been watching his videos for months, learning about him and the type of man he is. Talking to him last night felt natural, as if I already knew him. He was exactly who he is online, only somehow a thousand times better too. "We're going out tomorrow," I say instead.
"Are you ready for that?"
"We'll meet somewhere public first." I shake my head, smiling at how careful she is. I've met complete strangers from online with less notice thanks to the work I do. When you do what I do, it comes with the territory. I know all the rules on keeping myself safe. I even carry the ridiculous Taser my mom bought me.
"That's what I'm worried about," Kenzie mutters. "Olive, you basically asked him to be your daddy in front of thousands of people last night. And he did not tell you no. He gets a lot of comments like that, and he never responds. But he responded to yours, and then immediately ended the live. People are reporting that some of the people who made rude comments about you in the livestream were blocked from his account this morning. I don't think you understand how big of a deal this is."
"He blocked them?"
"Focus, Olive! Focus!" Kenzie cries. "If you two start dating publicly, this isn't going to die down. I'm not telling you not to do it. If you like him, then I say go for it. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you're about to open your private life to the entire world because they are watching like hawks."