Page 65 of The Dark Elf's Secret Son
“We have ideas,” says Ris, winking at me. “Starting as soon as tonight.”
“Wasting no time, I like it,” laughs Rocelot. “If you need it, we can look after your child.”
“No need,” I reply, taking Ezra into my arms. “Some good friends of ours will be looking after him for us.”
“Very good,” replies Rhobuna. “Now run along and enjoy the rest of your special day. It was a pleasure meeting you again.”
Ris and I turn, walking away with proud smiles brandished across our faces.
“Well, the family certainly approves of you.”
“So it seems,” I smile. “I’m so happy with you, Ris.”
“Me too Sienna. Our past is crazy but that’s all behind us now. I always have your back going forward… but I need you to promise me one thing.”
“Yes, anything. What is it?” I reply.
“Don’t disappear again,” he chuckles.
I nudge him on the arm.
“Yeah, got it.”
We walk off to enjoy the rest of the ceremony together, laughing and dancing merrily with our friends and family to continue what would be the most amazing day of my life.
* * *
I stareout into the forest as the carriage moves along a hilly trail, moving deeper into the trees. Behind us, the city of Vhoig grows smaller.
The sun had already begun its descent, taking with it the afternoon heat. A breeze runs through the air, sending a wave of goosebumps up my arm. I pull my shawl closer, still wearing my wedding dress underneath it.
“So, this is the big surprise you had in store for our honeymoon?” I ask Ris who handles the reins for the equus.
“I promised you a little getaway earlier, did I not?” he replies with a smile.
“Heh, when I had a few drinks in me, yes.”
“At least we have Ezra off of our backs for a little while,” he chuckles.
“I only hope he’s not causing too much trouble for Annalise and Miothro.”
“I doubt it, he’s a good kid. You did good raising him, he’s well behaved.”
“Well now you’ll be in his life for… forever.”
“I can’t tell you how excited I am for forever.”
The trail takes us into a bend, where the trees become spaced wider apart. From around the final turn, there emerges a small cottage, sitting in the middle of a garden. Ris stops the carriage, hitching the equus to a nearby post before taking my hand.
“This is so…”
“Yeah,” I say, astounded as we enter.
“Well, you can’t expect anything less from a singer.”