Page 46 of The Dark Elf's Secret Son
When everything is done, he turns to me, still brandishing that smile.
“What next?” he asks.
“Come with me to the kitchen, we’re going to make breakfast for Mama.”
He takes my outstretched hand. Together, we trot toward the kitchen where we busy ourselves getting things ready for Sienna.
Close to an hour passes by the time we hear the rumblings of Sienna awakening. An excited Ezra finishes bringing the last plate to the table as I finish cooking.
“Mama awake!” he exclaims.
“That’s right, just in time too. Do me one last favor, can you fetch a baking dish for me?”
Just then, Sienna walks in. She wears curiosity over her face when she sees Ezra immediately running over to her.
“What are you doing up so early?” she asks before noticing me by the cooker. Her eyes light up as I bring a huge dish of kaijeer to the table. Plates and cutlery lay ready at various seats, courtesy of Ezra.
“What’s going on here?” she asks, beaming brighter than the morning sun.
“I wanted to put something special together for breakfast. Our son here gave me a little hand with everything, didn’t you Ezra?”
“So, can I get you some kaffo? Or tea?” I ask.
“Rirzed tea please,” replies a shocked Sienna. She glances at the table, then between Ezra and I. “I can’t believe this, you really didn’t have to do it.”
“I wanted to.”
As I walk over to her, I feel time slow down, giving me a moment to admire her beauty. Her smile makes my heart skip a beat as I lean down, planting a kiss on her lips.
“Thank you,” she says, leaning in for a hug.
Silently, I thank the gods for her choosing not to act awkward about what happened last night, though I was curious to test the waters a little more.
“Go take a seat, I’ll have your tea ready in no time.”
I get to work boiling a hot pot of water as she takes a seat next to Ezra. As the water simmers, I portion out some rirzed petals and instant kaffo. I then glance over my shoulder at the woman I wish to make my mate.
As if the gods intended for it to happen at the same time, she immediately sneaks a glance to me as well. Upon noticing my gaze, her lips curl upward into a smile.
I pour the drinks and join them at the table. As I place Sienna’s mug down, she goes to grasp it. Her fingers brush against mine, lingering there for a moment before I pull my hand away.
I take a seat across from her, only then noticing Ezra’s hungry eyes for the food.
“Dig in then.”
Sometime later, I’m finishing up the cleaning for all the plates and cutlery used. I hear Ezra playing in the next room as I place the last plate on the dish rack. I head to join him, peeking my head around the corner to spot a relaxing Sienna reclined on the couch.
She notices me and pats a hand on the free spot next to her.
That’s as good a sign as any.
I collapse into the softness of the couch as Sienna scooches closer to me. We watch as Ezra plays with some figurines. I place a hand on Sienna’s inner thigh, drawing myself up to ask a question.
“Hey so… I just wanted to tell you I had an excellent night,” I say while squeezing her thigh. My heart races in anticipation of an answer.
She throws a hand to my leg, returning the gesture as she peers up at me with a seductive gaze.