Page 17 of Hayden
Why did that thought crank up my lust even further?
To be wanted by a man like this was a turn-on in itself. He was so confident and charming, and I was sure he could have his pick of women. Yeah, we were basically on the island alone together, but I could tell that he wasn’t just going for the only option he had available.
He wanted me, which was a powerful feeling.
“W-what are we doing?” I asked, my voice hardly more than a whisper.
“You know exactly what we’re doing.” Hayden brushed a strand of hair away from my face and started to lean in.
My heart was racing as I tilted my head back and parted my lips. Anticipation sent a shiver down my spine.
His mouth was inches away when the back door of the house opened right beside us. Hayden moved faster than I would have thought possible, putting a few feet of distance between us as Dale and Sandra walked outside to join us.
I felt cold in a way that had nothing to do with the temperature as disappointment washed over me. How far would things have gone if we hadn’t been interrupted?
“Hey, guys. What’s up?” Hayden said, sounding completely casual.
I wasn’t sure how he pulled it off. My brain was in a fog, trying to catch up to what just happened.
“We found a board game in the hall closet and thought you guys might like to play to pass some time,” Dale said, holding up Monopoly. “There’s not much in the way of entertainment without the internet or cell phones, right?”
No, not right. You just interrupted the only form of entertainment I want on this stupid island.
I shook my head to clear those thoughts.
“That sounds like fun,” I managed, pushing myself away from the wall.
Hayden brought two more chairs out of the shed and the four of us sat around the table to play. I kept thinking that I felt Hayden’s eyes on me, but every time I looked, he was focused on the board game. Like nothing happened between us.
I called upon my own ability to pay attention to what was going on in the game, silently begging my own body to let go of the idea of getting some pleasure tonight.
I was sure it wasn’t going to happen now that the sexual tension between us had been doused by Dale and Sandra’s untimely arrival.
* * *
I went to bed after one round of Monopoly. I was exhausted from not getting much sleep the night before and walking all over the island with Hayden today. That meant I fell asleep pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I slept well for a couple of hours, but I woke up in the night. Rolling over in the king-sized guest bed, I glanced at the digital readout on the alarm clock and frowned. It was almost one in the morning. Why the hell was I awake?
I tried to close my eyes and drift back to sleep, but it eluded me. It was easier to avoid thinking about our stranded situation during the daylight hours, but there were no distractions at night. How freaked out was my mom right now? And Evelyn? I knew that people had to be looking for us by now, but until we were found, they would have no clue if I was even alive. I would be so worried if our situations were reversed.
I flipped back the covers and got out of the bed. Maybe a glass of water would be nice. I didn’t think it would necessarily help me get to sleep, but lying in bed and worrying wasn’t doing me any favors.
I left my bed and walked down the hallway, only to pause just as I was passing Hayden’s room. I heard something coming from the other side of the door that sounded suspiciously like a moan, and I couldn’t help myself. I took a step closer to the door and pressed my ear against it.
It was wrong, I knew that. I was invading his privacy. But I couldn’t move away as I heard another low, rumbling moan, louder this time and followed by the unmistakable sound of my name being whispered in a gruff voice.
Oh my god.He must be…
I swallowed hard as I thought about what he was doing in there. The erotic thrill that shot through me was powerful enough to send all caution right out the window. My hand gripped the doorknob, and I slowly turned and pushed the door open. It was silent, and as soon as I was able to peek my head inside, I saw exactly what Hayden was doing.
It was hotter than anything I could have conjured up in my mind.
Hayden was completely naked, laying on his back on the bed, the moonlight streaming in through the windows illuminating him. The blankets were bunched up at his feet, as if he’d kicked them off so he had completely access to his straining cock. His eyes were closed, his hand wrapped around his thick erection as he slowly stroked himself, his breathing deepening. There was a glistening bead of wetness at the tip, and I could see the way his thigh muscles twitched.